The AVPS School council met for the first time on Monday 22nd March 2021. It was great to meet in person for the first time in over twelve months.
The following candidates were elected to the vacancies below:
We welcome back following members for their second year of their elected term:
o Nerida Lloyd
Welcome also to the two year community category vacancy.
o Richard Moody
The following councillors were elected as office bearers:
PRESIDENT: Meredith Ross
We thank Sarah Ashton, Bec Doherty and Sue Macaulay, for their work as councillors, and Helen Millar for her extensive efforts as President over the last four years.
We look forward to a productive and rewarding school council year.
Hi everyone,
I’m delighted to be taking up the role of Council President this year. I know I have big shoes to fill – Helen Millar did a wonderful job over four years as President.
For those who I have yet to meet, I’m the mum of Anna (U6) and Iona (U2). We started at AVPS in the middle of 2019, after relocating to Ascot Vale from Sydney’s inner west. We love this school!
As I looked around the room at our first Council meeting on Monday night, I was struck by the diverse perspectives and skillsets of this year’s Council. I’m really looking forward to working with everyone to support the school and its community.
If you’d like to get in touch, you can message me on 0439 873258, or come and find me at school – I’m often at school for both drop-off and pick-up, and I usually wait outside Unit 6.
– Meredith
Council spent time discussing the previous school council decision, made in September 2020, not to plan school camps for 2021. We understand that some in the school community have asked whether this decision is able to be reconsidered.
Context: In making the decision in 2020, Council took into account the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the climate of uncertainty. We recognise that the COVID-19 situation in Victoria has now evolved, although the population remains largely unvaccinated and snap lockdowns and other restrictions are still possible for the foreseeable future. We also recognise the significance of camp as a milestone for many children and their families, and that the cancellation of camps for two years running is a source of sadness. We discussed other considerations relating to the pandemic, including the risk of disappointment if camps are cancelled at late notice, the possibility of lower attendance, and the willingness of staff to lead residential camps in this environment.
Next steps: On balance, it was agreed that it is still unlikely that residential camps will take place for AVPS students in 2021. However, it was agreed that (1) the availability of camp venues for later in the year would be investigated, and (2) staff would be canvassed for their willingness to lead residential camps later in the year.
Alongside this work (and as flagged in last week’s Compass alert), Sue and Michael will be consulting with staff and year 3-6 students in term 2 to develop proposals for an alternative to our camp program. Such activities may involve several days of excursions, linked to curriculum and personal and may include:
Council will discuss this issue again at the May meeting.
Activities underway include:
The following candidates were elected to the vacancies below:
- Scott Miller
- Kate Mohay (re-election)
- Melinda Morpeth
- Melanie Quin
- Jason Simpson
We welcome back following members for their second year of their elected term:
- Meagan Thompson
- Lela Drakulic
- Meredith Ross
- Michael Downing
- Rozeena Sen
- Ben Kline
o Nerida Lloyd
Welcome also to the two year community category vacancy.
o Richard Moody
The following councillors were elected as office bearers:
PRESIDENT: Meredith Ross
We thank Sarah Ashton, Bec Doherty and Sue Macaulay, for their work as councillors, and Helen Millar for her extensive efforts as President over the last four years.
We look forward to a productive and rewarding school council year.
Hi everyone,
I’m delighted to be taking up the role of Council President this year. I know I have big shoes to fill – Helen Millar did a wonderful job over four years as President.
For those who I have yet to meet, I’m the mum of Anna (U6) and Iona (U2). We started at AVPS in the middle of 2019, after relocating to Ascot Vale from Sydney’s inner west. We love this school!
As I looked around the room at our first Council meeting on Monday night, I was struck by the diverse perspectives and skillsets of this year’s Council. I’m really looking forward to working with everyone to support the school and its community.
If you’d like to get in touch, you can message me on 0439 873258, or come and find me at school – I’m often at school for both drop-off and pick-up, and I usually wait outside Unit 6.
– Meredith
Council spent time discussing the previous school council decision, made in September 2020, not to plan school camps for 2021. We understand that some in the school community have asked whether this decision is able to be reconsidered.
Context: In making the decision in 2020, Council took into account the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the climate of uncertainty. We recognise that the COVID-19 situation in Victoria has now evolved, although the population remains largely unvaccinated and snap lockdowns and other restrictions are still possible for the foreseeable future. We also recognise the significance of camp as a milestone for many children and their families, and that the cancellation of camps for two years running is a source of sadness. We discussed other considerations relating to the pandemic, including the risk of disappointment if camps are cancelled at late notice, the possibility of lower attendance, and the willingness of staff to lead residential camps in this environment.
Next steps: On balance, it was agreed that it is still unlikely that residential camps will take place for AVPS students in 2021. However, it was agreed that (1) the availability of camp venues for later in the year would be investigated, and (2) staff would be canvassed for their willingness to lead residential camps later in the year.
Alongside this work (and as flagged in last week’s Compass alert), Sue and Michael will be consulting with staff and year 3-6 students in term 2 to develop proposals for an alternative to our camp program. Such activities may involve several days of excursions, linked to curriculum and personal and may include:
- ACTIVE - Bowling, Rock Climbing, Indoor Aerial Park.
- STEAM /problem solving - Melbourne Aquarium, Legoland Discovery Centre, Enterprise Ship, Scienceworks, Learning by Doing.
- HISTORICAL - Sovereign Hill
Council will discuss this issue again at the May meeting.
Activities underway include:
- Review of policy schedule. Prioritise policy development and goal setting.
- Oversee the review, development and implementation of the AVPS Child Safe Standards. Implementation strategies include:
- Develop an AVPS webpage :
- Appointment a Child Safety officer - Marg Blair Gannon
A friendly reminder that term one finishes on THURSDAY 1st April at the EARLIER time of 2:30pm
Harmony Day was observed on 24 March at AVPS. Harmony Day is intended to show cohesion and inclusion in Australia and promote a tolerant and culturally diverse society. ... It is about community participation, inclusiveness, celebrating diversity, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
AVPS students marked the day by participating in multiage activities and enjoyed each other's company together on the oval at snack time (on a beautiful blue sky day.)
A friendly reminder that term one finishes on THURSDAY 1st April at the EARLIER time of 2:30pm
Harmony Day was observed on 24 March at AVPS. Harmony Day is intended to show cohesion and inclusion in Australia and promote a tolerant and culturally diverse society. ... It is about community participation, inclusiveness, celebrating diversity, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
AVPS students marked the day by participating in multiage activities and enjoyed each other's company together on the oval at snack time (on a beautiful blue sky day.)
The Tutor Learning Initiative enables schools across Victoria to engage qualified teachers as tutors to work with small groups of students and support their learning. The initiative is consistent with Australian and international evidence, which shows that small group tutoring is one of the most effective educational interventions available to support students to progress in their learning.
We have recently employed two teacher tutors, Ian Simmonds and Anne-Louise Farren. They started working with us on Thursday 11th March. Ian will be working and supporting across years P-4 (3 days per week) while Anne-Louise will be with years 3-6 (2 days per week). Our tutors are currently in classrooms, getting to know students and staff and are supporting the learning programs, whilst reducing teacher to student ratios. They are also currently working closely in teacher teams to identify students that will benefit from targeted support and set learning goals. From the start of term 2, Ian and Anne-Louise will work with small groups of students (between 3-5) and classroom teachers on a practice approach selected by these teams. Our tutors are employed for 33 weeks and will conclude their work with us in late October this year.
Late last year, we recognised the need to increase our support for the emotional and social needs of students. As we all know, happy and safe students will be more likely to engage academically. The disruptions to students’ learning, social and emotional development as a result of COVID-19, is evident. As such, our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) sees the introduction of professional learning for staff and subsequent implementation of two Department of Education (DET) researched and recommended curriculums.
The Tutor Learning Initiative enables schools across Victoria to engage qualified teachers as tutors to work with small groups of students and support their learning. The initiative is consistent with Australian and international evidence, which shows that small group tutoring is one of the most effective educational interventions available to support students to progress in their learning.
We have recently employed two teacher tutors, Ian Simmonds and Anne-Louise Farren. They started working with us on Thursday 11th March. Ian will be working and supporting across years P-4 (3 days per week) while Anne-Louise will be with years 3-6 (2 days per week). Our tutors are currently in classrooms, getting to know students and staff and are supporting the learning programs, whilst reducing teacher to student ratios. They are also currently working closely in teacher teams to identify students that will benefit from targeted support and set learning goals. From the start of term 2, Ian and Anne-Louise will work with small groups of students (between 3-5) and classroom teachers on a practice approach selected by these teams. Our tutors are employed for 33 weeks and will conclude their work with us in late October this year.
Late last year, we recognised the need to increase our support for the emotional and social needs of students. As we all know, happy and safe students will be more likely to engage academically. The disruptions to students’ learning, social and emotional development as a result of COVID-19, is evident. As such, our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) sees the introduction of professional learning for staff and subsequent implementation of two Department of Education (DET) researched and recommended curriculums.
What are the Zones of Regulation?
The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum (Kuypers, 2011) teaches students scaffolded skills toward developing a metacognitive pathway to build awareness of their feelings/internal state and utilize a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness. This includes exploring tools and strategies for mindfulness, sensory integration, movement, thinking strategies, wellness, and healthy connection with others. The Zones of Regulation provides a common language and compassionate framework to support positive mental health and skill development for all, while serving as an inclusion strategy for neurodiverse learners, those who have experienced trauma, and/or have specific needs in terms of social, emotional, and behavioral development. Here is a poster of the 4 zones:
What are the 4 R’s learning materials?
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people has been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships. More details can be found online at:
How are we developing the skills of staff and when will AVPS be implementing the programs? The table below will explain more.
The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum (Kuypers, 2011) teaches students scaffolded skills toward developing a metacognitive pathway to build awareness of their feelings/internal state and utilize a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness. This includes exploring tools and strategies for mindfulness, sensory integration, movement, thinking strategies, wellness, and healthy connection with others. The Zones of Regulation provides a common language and compassionate framework to support positive mental health and skill development for all, while serving as an inclusion strategy for neurodiverse learners, those who have experienced trauma, and/or have specific needs in terms of social, emotional, and behavioral development. Here is a poster of the 4 zones:
What are the 4 R’s learning materials?
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people has been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships. More details can be found online at:
How are we developing the skills of staff and when will AVPS be implementing the programs? The table below will explain more.
. |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Zones of Regulation (DET recommended - school choice) |
Whole Staff Professional Learning |
Implementation |
. |
Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships (DET mandated - Government choice - we must implement) |
Small Team of staff Professional Learning |
Whole Staff Professional Learning |
Implementation |
As communicated on 2nd March 2021, Ascot Vale PS understands that parents and carers have the right to withhold permission for our school to use photographs, video or recordings of your child.
If you are comfortable with the school using photos, video or recordings of your child as described in the attachments below, you do not need to take any further action.
However, if you have decided that you do not want images of your child to be collected or used by our school, please complete the form on page 3 of the consent document and return it to the Ascot Vale PS office ASAP. Copies of this form are also available at the office.
As communicated on 2nd March 2021, Ascot Vale PS understands that parents and carers have the right to withhold permission for our school to use photographs, video or recordings of your child.
If you are comfortable with the school using photos, video or recordings of your child as described in the attachments below, you do not need to take any further action.
However, if you have decided that you do not want images of your child to be collected or used by our school, please complete the form on page 3 of the consent document and return it to the Ascot Vale PS office ASAP. Copies of this form are also available at the office.
PRE-LOVED UNIFORM SHOP - Open Friday 26th March after school in the hall.
Congratulations to the following students who were presented their badges at this week’s assembly.
Congratulations to the following students who were presented their badges at this week’s assembly.
Close neighbours and friends of AVPS are asked to please keep an eye out on our school grounds over the holiday period and to please report any suspicious activity to police on ‘000’.
Kind Regards and best wishes for a happy holiday period,
Close neighbours and friends of AVPS are asked to please keep an eye out on our school grounds over the holiday period and to please report any suspicious activity to police on ‘000’.
Kind Regards and best wishes for a happy holiday period,
Kind Regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing
AVPS Principal Team
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing
AVPS Principal Team
Madeleine Thiele Unit 1
Neville Stephens Physical Education / Unit 2
What is your favourite colour? I've never found this question easy! Right now, let's say green. What is your favourite food? Laksa from the one and only Laksa King in Flemington. What is your favourite book? I just finished reading Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe, and learnt so much from it. Highly recommend it! What do you do for fun? I play and write music (guitar, sing, uke, violin) when I can. I'm in the terrible habit of only practising my instruments when I have a gig coming up, which goes against any advice I'd ever give any instrument-learners out there. I also love spending time with friends and family. Has anything surprised you about AVPS? I've been amazed by the spirit of generosity among parents and staff. This is a rare community in Melbourne! Tell me how you first got involved in with teaching When I was about 14, I started teaching the violin, and also became an assistant ballet teacher. I grew up in a family of educators, and therefore spent much of my time after school waiting in the staff room for my parents to take me home (which, at the time, felt like hours and hours!!). I then became an early childhood music teacher, and have loved teaching ever since! What has surprised you most about working as a teacher? The ongoing, deep fulfilment and satisfaction that comes directly from students in classrooms. I think teaching is one of those rare jobs that can give teachers enough drive to keep going purely from the student feedback when you can see a 'light go on', after working on something together. What might we be surprised to know about you? Students in Unit 1 will probably have caught onto this already, but I LOVE dachshunds!! If you weren’t teaching what would you be doing? Travelling the world! I’ve been to 38 countries and I’d love to visit some more! |
What is your favourite colour? Blue...and white hoops What is your favourite food? Now this is a tough one. My favourite all time meal is still my Mum’s lamb roast however I find I have plenty of favourite foods depending on the situation I’m in e.g. if I’m at the Queen Vic Markets I’ve got to have a Borek and some American jam doughnuts, if I’m in the city I tend to gravitate towards Chinatown for a meal and if I’m at the footy at the MCG nothing screams ‘footy food’ like a crepe from the food court in the MCC members! 😂 (I would’ve said a Four n Twenty pie and chips but I remembered that I’m the PE teacher, got to set a good example!) What is your favourite book? My favourite children’s book has to be, ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ by Julia Donaldson. In the past when I’ve read this to children, they’ve often made comparison’s to the main character and myself which leads to some very interesting discussions! When it comes to personal reading, my favourite book in recent times would have to be, ‘The Peter Norman Story’ by Andrew Webster & Matt Norman. Another favourite would have to be, ‘Comeback - The Fall and Rise of Geelong’ by James Button. I also spent around 10-15 years reading not much else but Lonely Planet guides whilst I was travelling the globe. Those were the days! What do you do for fun? Maintaining my love for sport by keeping myself as active as possible. I also love to watch sport, preferably live at the game rather than on the TV. You can often find me at a gig enjoying live music with friends. I also love to travel when possible (domestic & international) and see and experience new things. I've been extremely fortunate to travel to most of the continents. In recent years I’ve developed a keen interest in photography and I’m looking forward to improving these skills further. Has anything surprised you about AVPS? Mostly no, not really. By that I mean staff, students and parents are incredibly friendly, supportive and approachable like other schools I’ve worked in, children still tell me that PE is their favourite subject and call me ‘Devil’ because they have trouble pronouncing, ‘Neville’ (mainly the Prep’s), just like any other school I’ve worked in and I also have to continuously duck my head to get in the door frames, again just like other schools I’ve worked in! However the one thing that has really surprised me so far about AVPS is that in my short time I’ve noticed that there is a really strong community feel within the school especially with multiage & buddy groups. I think it’s absolutely fantastic. Tell me how you first got involved in with teaching Looking back, I first got involved in teaching through coaching junior sport. My youngest brother’s AFL team needed a coach and I stepped in to help his club out for a game and I really enjoyed the experience. I ended up coaching his team for the year and from here the seeds into teaching began. What has surprised you most about working as a teacher? The impact you have on children and a community. To this day I still get messages from old students, staff and community members from previous schools I’ve worked at thanking me and inquiring about what I’ve done and how I’ve been etc. It’s really nice to know that you’ve made a difference and had a positive impact on someone’s life. What might we be surprised to know about you? For some reason children and even some parents are surprised about what type of bed I sleep in (it always seems to come up when I meet new people). You will be surprised to know that I sleep in a standard Queen size bed and yes my feet do stick out the end of the bed! The only difference between a King and Queen size bed is the width, not the length! If you weren’t teaching what would you be doing? Probably travelling the world, living off my earnings as a former successful professional sportsman, attending famous sporting events and music concerts, and making a name for myself in the world of photography. |
You will get to know more about our two new tutors in the next newsletter.

Being late to school impacts the child, the teacher and the class, not to mention sets bad habits that in some cases can be hard to break. If punctuality patterns for individual students occur, we will seek individual meetings with families, and together developing attendance improvements plans. Please ensure your child is at school on time. DET Every Day Counts -
Medical documentation is important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. From time to time it is necessary to update student medical and home contact information. If this is the case we ask you to come to the office or write to us to alert us of any change.
The Asthma Care/Management Plan tells the school how to manage your child’s asthma and what to do if their asthma gets worse. This should be updated and signed by the doctor on an annual basis. Please forward these to your classroom teachers as soon as possible. A reminder was sent home yesterday. Thank you to the parents who have already presented these.
Asthma Checklist for parents
1. Does your child have an up to date Asthma Action Plan (Asthma Care Plan)?
2. Does your child carry their reliever puffer and spacer with them at all times? Or is it readily available to their Carers?
3. Are you and your child aware of their asthma triggers?
4. Do you listen to what your child says?
5. Does your child take their asthma medication correctly
Being late to school impacts the child, the teacher and the class, not to mention sets bad habits that in some cases can be hard to break. If punctuality patterns for individual students occur, we will seek individual meetings with families, and together developing attendance improvements plans. Please ensure your child is at school on time. DET Every Day Counts -
Medical documentation is important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. From time to time it is necessary to update student medical and home contact information. If this is the case we ask you to come to the office or write to us to alert us of any change.
The Asthma Care/Management Plan tells the school how to manage your child’s asthma and what to do if their asthma gets worse. This should be updated and signed by the doctor on an annual basis. Please forward these to your classroom teachers as soon as possible. A reminder was sent home yesterday. Thank you to the parents who have already presented these.
Asthma Checklist for parents
1. Does your child have an up to date Asthma Action Plan (Asthma Care Plan)?
2. Does your child carry their reliever puffer and spacer with them at all times? Or is it readily available to their Carers?
3. Are you and your child aware of their asthma triggers?
4. Do you listen to what your child says?
5. Does your child take their asthma medication correctly

Parents/visitors are reminded to please follow the Moonee Valley City Council’s (MVCC) rules and regulations pertaining to parking and the drop off zone near our school. Some parents/visitors have been observed leaving their cars in the drop off zones, which impacts the efficiency of the drop off system and deems drivers at risk of being fined. MVCC parking officers regularly monitor these zones and issue fines for breaches of the rules. To ensure the zones work effectively, drivers should:
Online uniform sales arrangements will continue in 2021.
Please be reminded that school uniform is not compulsory at AVPS but is available as a practical and attractive choice. This is available from Primary School Wear (PSW) who have been unable to operate a uniform shop at the school as usual twice per month, due to Covid-19. Instead, orders can be placed on-line ( ) for home delivery.
A second hand uniform option is also available. This is run by a parent volunteer, Nicole, who can be contacted on 0417 522 761.
Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name
Parents/visitors are reminded to please follow the Moonee Valley City Council’s (MVCC) rules and regulations pertaining to parking and the drop off zone near our school. Some parents/visitors have been observed leaving their cars in the drop off zones, which impacts the efficiency of the drop off system and deems drivers at risk of being fined. MVCC parking officers regularly monitor these zones and issue fines for breaches of the rules. To ensure the zones work effectively, drivers should:
- remain in your vehicle at all times
- move forward to join the queue so that other cars can move into the zone
- use the handbrake when the vehicle is stationary
- not double park
- not park across a pedestrian crossing or driveway
- not undertake a U-turn in close proximity to the school
Online uniform sales arrangements will continue in 2021.
Please be reminded that school uniform is not compulsory at AVPS but is available as a practical and attractive choice. This is available from Primary School Wear (PSW) who have been unable to operate a uniform shop at the school as usual twice per month, due to Covid-19. Instead, orders can be placed on-line ( ) for home delivery.
A second hand uniform option is also available. This is run by a parent volunteer, Nicole, who can be contacted on 0417 522 761.
Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name
Term 1, 2021
Fri 26 March - Summer Interschool Sports gala day - Year 5-6
Tue 30 March - regional Swimming carnival
THURSDAY 1 April - Last day of school - early finish time - 2:30pm
Term 2, 2021
Mon 19 April - First Day term 2
Fri 23 April - District Cross Country Event
Fri 25th June - Last day term 2 - early finish - 2:30
Victorian School Term Dates Click button below:
Term 1, 2021
Fri 26 March - Summer Interschool Sports gala day - Year 5-6
Tue 30 March - regional Swimming carnival
THURSDAY 1 April - Last day of school - early finish time - 2:30pm
Term 2, 2021
Mon 19 April - First Day term 2
Fri 23 April - District Cross Country Event
Fri 25th June - Last day term 2 - early finish - 2:30
Victorian School Term Dates Click button below:
Pupil Free Days 2021
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Pupil Free Days 2021 |
TERM 1 Wed 27th Jan - Staff Dev Thu 28th Jan - Staff Dev NB, FIRST DAY for: Years 1-6 is Fri 29th Jan Years Prep is Mon 1st Feb |
TERM 2 - TBC |
TERM 3 - TBC |
TERM 4 - TBC |
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
How to get started before using our programs you must register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Please access files below to view the OSHC fortnightly report and/or the Camp Australia Holiday Program.
Dee and the OSHC team
Dee and the OSHC team

handball_newsletter.pdf | |
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