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AVPS received four parent nominations for the four parent vacancies as well as three staff nominations for the three vacancies, prior to closing. Therefore, all four parent nominees and three staff nominees have been appointed to two year terms for the new AVPS School Council, without the need to hold an election.
Thank you and congratulations to the following successful nominees:
In addition to the above two year vacancies, we have received resignations from current serving parent members of school council - Benjamin Delaney and Ebony Mychajlyc, thus creating two x one year casual vacancies. Helen Millar, (parent member since 2016 and SC President from 2017-2019) will be co-opted to one of these positions at the March meeting. This leaves one casual vacancy to fill. Please contact the office if you wish to be considered for this one year casual position on school council.
Thank you to our outgoing school council members, Freya dos Santos, Benjamin Delaney, Ebony Mychajlyc, Richard Moody, for their generosity of time, expertise and energy given to help shape our school council experience into one that is considered most productive, successful and rewarding.
We look forward to another productive and successful AVPS school council year with some new faces, where we will undertake the three main responsibilities (via our three sub committees of Finance, Policy & Buildings & Grounds) as outlined in the table below:
AVPS received four parent nominations for the four parent vacancies as well as three staff nominations for the three vacancies, prior to closing. Therefore, all four parent nominees and three staff nominees have been appointed to two year terms for the new AVPS School Council, without the need to hold an election.
Thank you and congratulations to the following successful nominees:
- Meagan Thompson
- Lela Drakulic
- Meredith Ross
- Carla Rogers
- Michael Downing
- Ben Kline
- Rozeena Sen
In addition to the above two year vacancies, we have received resignations from current serving parent members of school council - Benjamin Delaney and Ebony Mychajlyc, thus creating two x one year casual vacancies. Helen Millar, (parent member since 2016 and SC President from 2017-2019) will be co-opted to one of these positions at the March meeting. This leaves one casual vacancy to fill. Please contact the office if you wish to be considered for this one year casual position on school council.
Thank you to our outgoing school council members, Freya dos Santos, Benjamin Delaney, Ebony Mychajlyc, Richard Moody, for their generosity of time, expertise and energy given to help shape our school council experience into one that is considered most productive, successful and rewarding.
We look forward to another productive and successful AVPS school council year with some new faces, where we will undertake the three main responsibilities (via our three sub committees of Finance, Policy & Buildings & Grounds) as outlined in the table below:
FINANCE : overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation |
The Annual Report, published in May-June each year, provides the community with information about the school’s performance in implementing improvement strategies and how AVPS resources have been used. An overview of the previous year's financial position appears at the end of this document. Access the latest available AVPS Annual Report below. |
STRATEGIC PLANNING: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan |
The AVPS 2019-2022 School Strategic Plan was developed as a result of reflecting on our past performance, establishing future directions and deciding on what will constitute success. Click below to access the current AVPS School Strategic Plan. The current AVPS Annual Implementation Plan, can be accessed below. This is developed each year to outline how the Strategic Plan will be implemented, monitored and evaluated. |
POLICY DEVELOPMENT & REVIEW: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan. |
Policies set out AVPS's position on a range of areas. They reflect the school’s values, support the school’s broad direction as outlined in its strategic plan and demonstrate that the school is being operated in an efficient, consistent manner. Access AVPS Policies & Standards below. |
The Ascot Vale PS School Council also has the responsibility to plan, implement and review strategies that embed a culture of child safety and ensure that policies and procedures demonstrate zero tolerance of child abuse across the school. The policy sub committee takes responsibility for this. We have seven mandated standards in place, three of which appear on our Policies and Standards page of our website - see link above and statement of commitment below, which summarises the AVPS approach to child safety.
Ascot Vale Primary School is committed to child safety, preventing child abuse, identifying risks early, removing, and reducing these risks; this is the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Children from Ascot Vale Primary School are encouraged to become vital and active participants in our school. Training, induction and education is important to ensure that everyone at Ascot Vale Primary School understands that child safety is everyone’s responsibility. The school has specific procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff, contractors and volunteers to achieve these commitments. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities and rigorously follow processes when we are concerned about a child’s safety.
In addition, Ascot Vale Primary School:
Thanks to the collective efforts of our fundraising co-ordinator, Sue Macaulay and various teams in 2019 the AVPS school community raised a grand total of $39,664.33 which will go directly towards the installation of a new playground in 2020. Thank you Sue and all our hard working volunteers for this amazing effort.
In the absence of a fundraising co-ordinator in 2020, the Finance committee of School Council will oversee the fundraising calendar of events, seeking co-ordinators & volunteers for individual events listed below. If these cannot be identified, the event will not go ahead. We are hereby seeking volunteers to run the following activities:
In addition, we are seeking parent rep volunteers to help organise the following events. Again, if these cannot be identified the events may not go ahead:
The Ascot Vale PS School Council also has the responsibility to plan, implement and review strategies that embed a culture of child safety and ensure that policies and procedures demonstrate zero tolerance of child abuse across the school. The policy sub committee takes responsibility for this. We have seven mandated standards in place, three of which appear on our Policies and Standards page of our website - see link above and statement of commitment below, which summarises the AVPS approach to child safety.
Ascot Vale Primary School is committed to child safety, preventing child abuse, identifying risks early, removing, and reducing these risks; this is the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Children from Ascot Vale Primary School are encouraged to become vital and active participants in our school. Training, induction and education is important to ensure that everyone at Ascot Vale Primary School understands that child safety is everyone’s responsibility. The school has specific procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff, contractors and volunteers to achieve these commitments. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities and rigorously follow processes when we are concerned about a child’s safety.
In addition, Ascot Vale Primary School:
- has zero tolerance of child abuse
- actively works to listen to and empower children
- has systems to protect children from abuse, and will take all allegations and concerns very seriously and respond to them consistently in line with the school’s policies and procedures
- is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.
- recognises every person involved in the school has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the well being and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make
Thanks to the collective efforts of our fundraising co-ordinator, Sue Macaulay and various teams in 2019 the AVPS school community raised a grand total of $39,664.33 which will go directly towards the installation of a new playground in 2020. Thank you Sue and all our hard working volunteers for this amazing effort.
In the absence of a fundraising co-ordinator in 2020, the Finance committee of School Council will oversee the fundraising calendar of events, seeking co-ordinators & volunteers for individual events listed below. If these cannot be identified, the event will not go ahead. We are hereby seeking volunteers to run the following activities:
- Icy pole sales term 1 & 4 Friday afternoons
- Mother’s Day Breakfast
- Father’s Day Breakfast
- Trivia Night – Term 3 2020
In addition, we are seeking parent rep volunteers to help organise the following events. Again, if these cannot be identified the events may not go ahead:
- Cupcake sales x 1 per unit per year (6 total)
- Special Lunches x 1 per unit per year (3 total)
- Fresh Fruit Friday preparation 1 x every 6 weeks
The following documents have been prepared by our teaching teams to provide an overview of the classroom and specialist teaching and learning programs across all year levels at AVPS for the term.
Please access Term 1 , 2020 Curriculum News below by selecting the appropriate year level:
The following documents have been prepared by our teaching teams to provide an overview of the classroom and specialist teaching and learning programs across all year levels at AVPS for the term.
Please access Term 1 , 2020 Curriculum News below by selecting the appropriate year level:
Each teacher is entitled to one day per term (four days per year) release from their scheduled duties, including teaching, to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning. All AVPS teaching staff have had a Professional Practice Day (PPD) in the first 3 weeks of this term to meet together in teams to plan and prepare teaching, learning and assessment for students. More information about Professional Practice Days can be found online at:
Separate to PPD’s, we have all had professional learning opportunities with a Visiting Teacher from the DET about Autism, the first 20 days of Writings. Other Professional Learning for individual or small groups of staff have included Student Voice with Russ Quaglia. This work will continue this year and next with schools from the Moonee Valley network. On Friday March the 6th, all staff will be involved in our second pupil free day with a professional learning focus on our soon to be implemented whole school spelling program , Smart Words and Numeracy teaching and learning.
Our play POD opened for the first time this week. Many excited and enthusiastic students spent time building, creating and/or playing with the POD equipment. All classes spent some time in week 3 visiting, or revisiting the play POD prior to it reopening. What is the play POD? It is a shipping container (green – on the East end of our grounds next to the basketball court) which is filled with ‘spare parts’. It includes all sorts of factory off-cuts including wooden, plastic and materials (all quality controlled for safety purposes) with which children can let their imaginations run wild. The children build all manner of things, rocket ships stages, cars, beds, swings, slides; you name it they build it! This then leads to all sorts of imaginative games and role play. The Play Pod is a wonderful complement to our school, our values and the whole school philosophy about relationships, to one another, the environment and the curriculum. Our understanding of children learning through exploration needs to be lived in all aspects of school life, and the play POD allows for the seamless flow of creative, innovate and friendly learning spaces from the classroom to the school yard. Current research and practice tells us that students learn best in an environment which is rich in opportunities for experiential learning and caters for consideration of developmental factors. To that end, our school has been working on practices which exploit those opportunities. Our play POD is opened every lunchtime from Monday to Wednesday – weather permitting.
The Pod Squad
Students in our Year 5/6 cohort form the Pod Squad. This leadership group work on rotating shifts (Unit 4 Monday, Unit 6 Tuesday and Unit 2 Wednesday) each lunchtime to manage and assist students playing with the Pod equipment. You’ll see them when the POD is unlocked, helping reach for or carrying equipment, modelling safe and creative play, and supervising the pack-up process. The Pod Squad is yet another fabulous leadership opportunity for our students.
When? - Wednesday 26th February 2020 – 3.45pm – 5.45pm
What are they?
Part of the beginning of the school year involves parents/carers of students new to a teacher catching up with them to share information which may assist in your child’s learning and development and help us to develop the home / school partnership for the school year ahead. It is important for you to attend the meeting so that you can share with your child’s new teacher the wealth of knowledge you have of your child, such as:
The teacher may also share some information about how your child has settled into the 2020 school year and raise any concerns and/or success stories. A maximum of 5 minutes has been allocated for each meeting. If more time is considered necessary, alternative arrangements can be made with the teacher. Please note that if your child has the same teacher as last year or you believe the teacher knows your child well, we ask you not to book a time. However, like always, if you would like to make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher, please do so at an alternative time. A few teachers will need to make alternative arrangements with you as the number of new students exceeds the number of places available. If no time slots are available when you try and book, please contact your child’s teacher.
If you require an interpreter please make your booking before Friday 20th February to allow time to book interpreters.
Deposits for both the 3/4 camp (April) and 5/6 Camp (October) have closed.
Next week, permission notes and instalment costs will be sent home to 3/4 families (via Compass) who have paid their deposit and booked their space at camp.
It is anticipated the 5/6 instalments and permission will be confirmed and sent home late April, early May.
Each teacher is entitled to one day per term (four days per year) release from their scheduled duties, including teaching, to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning. All AVPS teaching staff have had a Professional Practice Day (PPD) in the first 3 weeks of this term to meet together in teams to plan and prepare teaching, learning and assessment for students. More information about Professional Practice Days can be found online at:
Separate to PPD’s, we have all had professional learning opportunities with a Visiting Teacher from the DET about Autism, the first 20 days of Writings. Other Professional Learning for individual or small groups of staff have included Student Voice with Russ Quaglia. This work will continue this year and next with schools from the Moonee Valley network. On Friday March the 6th, all staff will be involved in our second pupil free day with a professional learning focus on our soon to be implemented whole school spelling program , Smart Words and Numeracy teaching and learning.
Our play POD opened for the first time this week. Many excited and enthusiastic students spent time building, creating and/or playing with the POD equipment. All classes spent some time in week 3 visiting, or revisiting the play POD prior to it reopening. What is the play POD? It is a shipping container (green – on the East end of our grounds next to the basketball court) which is filled with ‘spare parts’. It includes all sorts of factory off-cuts including wooden, plastic and materials (all quality controlled for safety purposes) with which children can let their imaginations run wild. The children build all manner of things, rocket ships stages, cars, beds, swings, slides; you name it they build it! This then leads to all sorts of imaginative games and role play. The Play Pod is a wonderful complement to our school, our values and the whole school philosophy about relationships, to one another, the environment and the curriculum. Our understanding of children learning through exploration needs to be lived in all aspects of school life, and the play POD allows for the seamless flow of creative, innovate and friendly learning spaces from the classroom to the school yard. Current research and practice tells us that students learn best in an environment which is rich in opportunities for experiential learning and caters for consideration of developmental factors. To that end, our school has been working on practices which exploit those opportunities. Our play POD is opened every lunchtime from Monday to Wednesday – weather permitting.
The Pod Squad
Students in our Year 5/6 cohort form the Pod Squad. This leadership group work on rotating shifts (Unit 4 Monday, Unit 6 Tuesday and Unit 2 Wednesday) each lunchtime to manage and assist students playing with the Pod equipment. You’ll see them when the POD is unlocked, helping reach for or carrying equipment, modelling safe and creative play, and supervising the pack-up process. The Pod Squad is yet another fabulous leadership opportunity for our students.
When? - Wednesday 26th February 2020 – 3.45pm – 5.45pm
What are they?
Part of the beginning of the school year involves parents/carers of students new to a teacher catching up with them to share information which may assist in your child’s learning and development and help us to develop the home / school partnership for the school year ahead. It is important for you to attend the meeting so that you can share with your child’s new teacher the wealth of knowledge you have of your child, such as:
- your thoughts and feelings about your child’s school experiences
- how your child has settled in since returning from the break
- your child’s strengths and areas for improvement
- their interests and passions
- any medical or personal issues of which we are unaware
The teacher may also share some information about how your child has settled into the 2020 school year and raise any concerns and/or success stories. A maximum of 5 minutes has been allocated for each meeting. If more time is considered necessary, alternative arrangements can be made with the teacher. Please note that if your child has the same teacher as last year or you believe the teacher knows your child well, we ask you not to book a time. However, like always, if you would like to make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher, please do so at an alternative time. A few teachers will need to make alternative arrangements with you as the number of new students exceeds the number of places available. If no time slots are available when you try and book, please contact your child’s teacher.
If you require an interpreter please make your booking before Friday 20th February to allow time to book interpreters.
Deposits for both the 3/4 camp (April) and 5/6 Camp (October) have closed.
Next week, permission notes and instalment costs will be sent home to 3/4 families (via Compass) who have paid their deposit and booked their space at camp.
It is anticipated the 5/6 instalments and permission will be confirmed and sent home late April, early May.
Each year, AVPS celebrates Cultural Diversity Week, which is promoted by the Victorian Multicultural Commission to celebrate Victoria's rich diversity and to spark curiosity about culture and each other. This will take place between 21-29 March, the last week of term 1, in 2020.
To help set the scene for this celebration, AVPS is fortunate to have a free World Dance incursion activity taking place over two days; Wednesday 11th March and Thursday 12th March. Children will get to experience different styles, traditions and costume through movement and music, in multi age groupings on one of these days for a 60 minute session.
Please note, there is no cost to this activity due to it being the prize that AVPS won for coming FIRST in the Moonee Valley City Council 'Walk to School' month back in October 2019. Congratulations and THANK YOU to all our fit and active 2019 AVPS children and SRC members, Heath and Jason who contributed to our school achieving so well in this walk to school competition. What a great way to celebrate our collective achievements through movement and music, which will prepare us all beautifully for our Cultural Diversity Week celebrations two weeks later. Thank you all.
In addition to this major World Dance event, units will be holding their own learning activities in the last week of term 1, where parents or community members are encouraged to participate by sharing their personal stories of multiculturalism through this year's theme of 'Curiosity. Conversation. Community.'
Please contact your child's teacher if you are able to contribute to Cultural Diversity Week learning in your child's unit.
Each year, AVPS celebrates Cultural Diversity Week, which is promoted by the Victorian Multicultural Commission to celebrate Victoria's rich diversity and to spark curiosity about culture and each other. This will take place between 21-29 March, the last week of term 1, in 2020.
To help set the scene for this celebration, AVPS is fortunate to have a free World Dance incursion activity taking place over two days; Wednesday 11th March and Thursday 12th March. Children will get to experience different styles, traditions and costume through movement and music, in multi age groupings on one of these days for a 60 minute session.
Please note, there is no cost to this activity due to it being the prize that AVPS won for coming FIRST in the Moonee Valley City Council 'Walk to School' month back in October 2019. Congratulations and THANK YOU to all our fit and active 2019 AVPS children and SRC members, Heath and Jason who contributed to our school achieving so well in this walk to school competition. What a great way to celebrate our collective achievements through movement and music, which will prepare us all beautifully for our Cultural Diversity Week celebrations two weeks later. Thank you all.
In addition to this major World Dance event, units will be holding their own learning activities in the last week of term 1, where parents or community members are encouraged to participate by sharing their personal stories of multiculturalism through this year's theme of 'Curiosity. Conversation. Community.'
Please contact your child's teacher if you are able to contribute to Cultural Diversity Week learning in your child's unit.
Kind regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing,
AVPS Principal Team
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing,
AVPS Principal Team
Term 1, 2020
Fri 21 Feb - District Swimming Carnival
Wed 26th Feb - Share Time Meetings 3:45- 5:45 - appointments necessary for parent-teacher catch ups
Thu 27th Feb - 8:45 - 9:15- 2nd Hand Uniform sales - upstairs in Learning Studio*
Fri 28th Feb- 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 2 - Home
Mon 2nd Mar - 3:00pm -Assembly (Unit 1) 3:00pm - Hall
Tue 3rd Mar - 3:00-4:00pm - PSW Uniform Sales - in hall
Thu 5th Mar - School Photo Day
Fri 6th Mar - Curriculum Day - Pupil Free - please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children on this day
Mon 9th Mar- Labour Day Public Holiday - School Closed
Wed 11th Mar & Thur 12th Mar - World Dance Incursion - whole school multi age activity - no cost
Fri 13th Mar - 8:45 - 9:15- 2nd Hand Uniform sales - upstairs in Learning Studio*
Fri 13th Mar - 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 4 - Home
Mon 16th Mar- Thu 26th Mar - Swimming Program - Years 3-6
Mon 16th Mar - 3:00pm -Assembly (Unit 2) 3:00pm - Hall
Tue 17th Mar - 8:45-9:15 - PSW Uniform Sales - in hall
Tue 17th Mar - Divisional Swimming Carnival
Fri 20th Mar - 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 5 - Away
Sat 21st Mar - World Harmony Day
23rd-27th Mar - Cultural Diversity Week
Thu 26th Mar - 8:45 - 9:15- 2nd Hand Uniform sales - upstairs in Learning Studio*
Fri 27th Mar - 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 6 - Home
Fri 27th Mar - LAST DAY TERM 1 - EARLY FINISH - 2:30PM
* or call Nicole 0417 522 761 to make alternative arrangements for 2nd Hand Uniform sales
Term 1, 2020
Fri 21 Feb - District Swimming Carnival
Wed 26th Feb - Share Time Meetings 3:45- 5:45 - appointments necessary for parent-teacher catch ups
Thu 27th Feb - 8:45 - 9:15- 2nd Hand Uniform sales - upstairs in Learning Studio*
Fri 28th Feb- 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 2 - Home
Mon 2nd Mar - 3:00pm -Assembly (Unit 1) 3:00pm - Hall
Tue 3rd Mar - 3:00-4:00pm - PSW Uniform Sales - in hall
Thu 5th Mar - School Photo Day
Fri 6th Mar - Curriculum Day - Pupil Free - please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children on this day
Mon 9th Mar- Labour Day Public Holiday - School Closed
Wed 11th Mar & Thur 12th Mar - World Dance Incursion - whole school multi age activity - no cost
Fri 13th Mar - 8:45 - 9:15- 2nd Hand Uniform sales - upstairs in Learning Studio*
Fri 13th Mar - 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 4 - Home
Mon 16th Mar- Thu 26th Mar - Swimming Program - Years 3-6
Mon 16th Mar - 3:00pm -Assembly (Unit 2) 3:00pm - Hall
Tue 17th Mar - 8:45-9:15 - PSW Uniform Sales - in hall
Tue 17th Mar - Divisional Swimming Carnival
Fri 20th Mar - 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 5 - Away
Sat 21st Mar - World Harmony Day
23rd-27th Mar - Cultural Diversity Week
Thu 26th Mar - 8:45 - 9:15- 2nd Hand Uniform sales - upstairs in Learning Studio*
Fri 27th Mar - 9:00am - Interschool Sport - Years 5/6 - Round 6 - Home
Fri 27th Mar - LAST DAY TERM 1 - EARLY FINISH - 2:30PM
* or call Nicole 0417 522 761 to make alternative arrangements for 2nd Hand Uniform sales
Term Dates 2020 |
TERM 1 - 29 Jan - 27 Mar |
TERM 2 - STARTS TUESDAY 14 Apr - 26 Jun |
TERM 3 - 13 Jul - 18 Sep |
TERM 4 - 5 Oct - 18 Dec |
Public Holidays 2020 |
TERM 1 - Mon 9 March LABOUR DAY School Closed |
TERM 2 - Mon 13 April EASTER MONDAY School Closed |
TERM 2 - Mon 8 Jun QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY School Closed |
TERM 4 - Tue 3 Nov MELBOURNE CUP DAY School Closed |
Pupil Free Days 2020
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days and on the Student Led Conference Day (SLC) children are only required to attend at their appointment time:
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days and on the Student Led Conference Day (SLC) children are only required to attend at their appointment time:
Pupil Free Days 2020 |
TERM 1 - Fri 6 Mar |
TERM 2 - Tue 9 Jun |
SLC TERM 3 -Wed 16 Sep |
TERM 4 - Mon 2 Nov |
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
For levels 3 – 6 in PE we have been focusing on Fitness Testing, students have completed such tasks as the Beep Test, Squats, Push Up and Plank holds to name a few. I have recorded all of their scores and in Term 4 they will do all of these tasks again and we will see how far their fitness has progressed in a year!
For levels Prep – 2, we are focusing on the fundamental motor skills, making sure we have a solid understanding of the basics, such as running, jumping, skipping and throwing to name a few. We will also be focusing on movements such as tying our shoe laces and rhythmic clapping.
Swimming Trials
Thank you to all of the parents that brought their children to Queens Park Pool, it was a brisk morning and I was incredibly happy with the turn out. Every child should be proud of themselves for signing up and taking the risk of giving the trials a go, swimming 50 metres can be very scary, so again I want to emphasise how proud I am of every one who gave the trials a go.
Congratulations to those who were selected! All information about the District Swimming Carnival is on Compass. Good luck to those competing!
There will be no Interschool Sports this week, as we are having the District Swimming Carnival, however next week we will be playing a home game. We are versing Kensington and if your child plays European Handball or Tennis they will be at school and the Soccer games will be played at Ormond Park.
AVPS Sporting Legends!
The new segment of the newsletter is the AVPS Sporting Legends, here we, as a community, will celebrate any sporting achievement that students have outside of school. Please email me at [email protected] any sporting achievements your child accomplishes and I will put it in the newsletter for everyone to read.
Our first AVPS Sporting Legends are Gabby, Kezia and Evie from Unit 4, 5 & 6
Gabby & Kezia both were awarded special trophies at the end of year Dance Theatre concert on 15th December. Gabby and Evie were awarded joint Dance Theatre Junior Performers trophies. This award is given to a person or two people who shows outstanding performance on the night. It is a perpetual trophy. Kezia was awarded the Dance Theatre personality trophy. An award also judged on the day and given to the one who showed outstanding personality throughout their dance.
Britt Stephenson
PE Co-ordinator
PS, here is a repeat of information about our PE/Sports Levy in case you missed it last time:
PE / Sports Levy
Each year a PE / Sports levy is charged for each student to provide ‘value added’ PE or sporting experiences for children of all ages throughout the year. Year level sports levies differ from each other due to the different programs on offer for different year levels. Below is the breakdown of each year level to give parents/guardians a better understanding of how these funds are used and how they add much value to our school wide Sport and PE program.
For levels 3 – 6 in PE we have been focusing on Fitness Testing, students have completed such tasks as the Beep Test, Squats, Push Up and Plank holds to name a few. I have recorded all of their scores and in Term 4 they will do all of these tasks again and we will see how far their fitness has progressed in a year!
For levels Prep – 2, we are focusing on the fundamental motor skills, making sure we have a solid understanding of the basics, such as running, jumping, skipping and throwing to name a few. We will also be focusing on movements such as tying our shoe laces and rhythmic clapping.
Swimming Trials
Thank you to all of the parents that brought their children to Queens Park Pool, it was a brisk morning and I was incredibly happy with the turn out. Every child should be proud of themselves for signing up and taking the risk of giving the trials a go, swimming 50 metres can be very scary, so again I want to emphasise how proud I am of every one who gave the trials a go.
Congratulations to those who were selected! All information about the District Swimming Carnival is on Compass. Good luck to those competing!
There will be no Interschool Sports this week, as we are having the District Swimming Carnival, however next week we will be playing a home game. We are versing Kensington and if your child plays European Handball or Tennis they will be at school and the Soccer games will be played at Ormond Park.
AVPS Sporting Legends!
The new segment of the newsletter is the AVPS Sporting Legends, here we, as a community, will celebrate any sporting achievement that students have outside of school. Please email me at [email protected] any sporting achievements your child accomplishes and I will put it in the newsletter for everyone to read.
Our first AVPS Sporting Legends are Gabby, Kezia and Evie from Unit 4, 5 & 6
Gabby & Kezia both were awarded special trophies at the end of year Dance Theatre concert on 15th December. Gabby and Evie were awarded joint Dance Theatre Junior Performers trophies. This award is given to a person or two people who shows outstanding performance on the night. It is a perpetual trophy. Kezia was awarded the Dance Theatre personality trophy. An award also judged on the day and given to the one who showed outstanding personality throughout their dance.
Britt Stephenson
PE Co-ordinator
PS, here is a repeat of information about our PE/Sports Levy in case you missed it last time:
PE / Sports Levy
Each year a PE / Sports levy is charged for each student to provide ‘value added’ PE or sporting experiences for children of all ages throughout the year. Year level sports levies differ from each other due to the different programs on offer for different year levels. Below is the breakdown of each year level to give parents/guardians a better understanding of how these funds are used and how they add much value to our school wide Sport and PE program.
Year Levels |
Program |
Charge |
Prep / 1 / 2 |
Dance - First Aid - |
$25 No Cost Total = $25 |
3 / 4 |
Dance - Athletics - Cricket Carnival - First Aid - |
$25 $12 $13 No Cost Total = $50 |
5 / 6 |
Dance Athletics First Aid Interschool Sports |
$25 $12 No Cost $90 ($45 due Term 1 & $45 due Term 2) Total = $127 |
Please consider supporting the community event below that is being organised by one of our AVPS parents, Claire, who reports we have a number of AVPS community members attending this event.
Please consider supporting the community event below that is being organised by one of our AVPS parents, Claire, who reports we have a number of AVPS community members attending this event.
How to get started before using our programs you must register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Please access files below to view the OSHC fortnightly report and/or the Camp Australia Holiday Program.
Dee and the OSHC team
Dee and the OSHC team

newsletter_-_autumn_holiday_club_launch.pdf | |
File Size: | 547 kb |
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