It was 'soooo' nice to have all children return to school on Monday.
There was a definite buzz in the air and spring in many a step, as everyone quickly settled back into the routine of onsite schooling.
Thank you one and all for co-operating with the plethora of new rules contained in our AVPS R2S guide, which can be found at this link.
(REMINDER - you have the option of changing the language in the web based version, in the top left corner, or to click on the PDF to access the original document on this same site.)
As outlined in the guide, we have been monitoring and evaluating actions and behaviours of community members this week. As such, we will be condensing our arrival arrangements as of next Monday 19/10, following observations of arrival times being much smoother in nature than departure, where matching children to parents is somewhat more challenging.
UPDATED ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE ARRANGEMENTS - STARTING 19TH OCTOBER 2020 (instruction time begins by 9:20am)
TERM 4 STUDENT PICK UP TIMES (instruction time finishes at 3:00)
The 'COVIDSafe School' poster below outlines the importance of us all to follow the recommended health and safety strategies to help reduce risks to staff and students. AVPS staff will continue to monitor and review all aspects of our plan via a consultative approach, involving student input, throughout term four. Parents are also welcome to provide feedback on the plan and practices via the office (email/phone) or classroom teachers (Class Dojo).
It was 'soooo' nice to have all children return to school on Monday.
There was a definite buzz in the air and spring in many a step, as everyone quickly settled back into the routine of onsite schooling.
Thank you one and all for co-operating with the plethora of new rules contained in our AVPS R2S guide, which can be found at this link.
(REMINDER - you have the option of changing the language in the web based version, in the top left corner, or to click on the PDF to access the original document on this same site.)
As outlined in the guide, we have been monitoring and evaluating actions and behaviours of community members this week. As such, we will be condensing our arrival arrangements as of next Monday 19/10, following observations of arrival times being much smoother in nature than departure, where matching children to parents is somewhat more challenging.
UPDATED ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE ARRANGEMENTS - STARTING 19TH OCTOBER 2020 (instruction time begins by 9:20am)
- Surnames A-L please arrive at 9:00am
- Surnames M-Z please arrive at 9:10am
TERM 4 STUDENT PICK UP TIMES (instruction time finishes at 3:00)
- Surnames A-G please depart at 3:00pm
- Surnames H-P please depart at 3:10pm
- Surnames Q-Z please depart at 3:20pm
- The main safety reason for implementing the staggered arrival and departure approach is to reduce adults gathering at gates at close proximity to one another. Thank you for your understanding in this matter and for observing other COVIDsafe rules, such as, correct wearing of masks when dropping off and collecting your children.
- Families are encouraged to use the vehicle drop off system on both Bank and Moonee Streets, where adults remain in the car.
- Parents / carers are:
- encouraged not to congregate in groups, please drop/collect then move away from gates promptly
- not to enter the school grounds
- Pick up and drop off arrangements will continue to be monitored, reviewed and adjusted over time if necessary.
The 'COVIDSafe School' poster below outlines the importance of us all to follow the recommended health and safety strategies to help reduce risks to staff and students. AVPS staff will continue to monitor and review all aspects of our plan via a consultative approach, involving student input, throughout term four. Parents are also welcome to provide feedback on the plan and practices via the office (email/phone) or classroom teachers (Class Dojo).
The Victorian branch of the Children's Book Council of Australia postponed this year's CBCA Book Week (click link for info) to Term 4. The new dates of celebration are 17th to 23rd October, 2020 - ie, next week. AVPS will acknowledge this by focusing on the shortlisted books (which have been delivered just in time) and by holding a dress up day on Thursday 22nd October. See dress up day details below.
The Victorian branch of the Children's Book Council of Australia postponed this year's CBCA Book Week (click link for info) to Term 4. The new dates of celebration are 17th to 23rd October, 2020 - ie, next week. AVPS will acknowledge this by focusing on the shortlisted books (which have been delivered just in time) and by holding a dress up day on Thursday 22nd October. See dress up day details below.
Please be reminded about the date switch of this public holiday (in this topsy turvy year!!) from the September holidays to the above date.
Please be reminded about the date switch of this public holiday (in this topsy turvy year!!) from the September holidays to the above date.
DRESS UP DAY - Thursday October 22
In honour of 'footy finals' and book week, AVPS will be holding a combined sports colours / book week dress up day on Thursday 22nd October. All children, staff and parents/carers are encouraged to dress up in their favourite sports colours from any sporting code on this day. However, there will unfortunately be no special lunch day (as we would usually arrange) on this day due to the current restrictions. We look forward to getting into the COLOURFUL spirit of 'finals fever'. Alternatively, children may also dress up as their favourite book character on this day in honour of Book Week.
In honour of 'footy finals' and book week, AVPS will be holding a combined sports colours / book week dress up day on Thursday 22nd October. All children, staff and parents/carers are encouraged to dress up in their favourite sports colours from any sporting code on this day. However, there will unfortunately be no special lunch day (as we would usually arrange) on this day due to the current restrictions. We look forward to getting into the COLOURFUL spirit of 'finals fever'. Alternatively, children may also dress up as their favourite book character on this day in honour of Book Week.
In Term 4 2020, transition programs will be adapted to align with current health advice. The Department of Education and Training have outlined that while it will be reasonable for some transitions activities to be hosted virtually, we should consider equitable access in preparing transition to school activities and where possible, plan for supplementary face to face activities that could occur when restrictions have been lifted.
Currently parents are restricted from entering the school grounds.
With this in mind, AVPS is planning the following K-P transition activities in term 4, 2020:
In Term 4 2020, transition programs will be adapted to align with current health advice. The Department of Education and Training have outlined that while it will be reasonable for some transitions activities to be hosted virtually, we should consider equitable access in preparing transition to school activities and where possible, plan for supplementary face to face activities that could occur when restrictions have been lifted.
Currently parents are restricted from entering the school grounds.
With this in mind, AVPS is planning the following K-P transition activities in term 4, 2020:
- Publication of an Information Handbook for Parents of 2021 Year Prep students (on website and via email by 6th Nov) .
- Publication of 'A Day in the Life' video for transitioning kindergarten children (via Youtube by 6th Nov).
- Scheduling a remote 'Q&A' for 'First Time Families', which will be an opportunity for parents/carers to meet the staff and have questions answered (via Webex 11th Nov).
- Providing 2 x Playground (outdoor) Transition session for 2021 year prep students. Including an opportunity to meet the 2021 teacher at the December session. (Mon 16th Nov & Wed 16th Dec)
All students must wear a sun protective hat in term 4, that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities, for example broad-brimmed, legionnaire or bucket. Students who are not wearing appropriate protective clothing or a hat may be asked to play in the shade or in a suitable area protected from the sun from next Monday. A copy of our Sun Smart policy is available at:
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst parents/ caregivers. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
The parents that are randomly invited to participate in this year’s survey will receive further information early next week. All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent Opinion Survey will be conducted up to Friday 13th November. The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. These include: Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi and Greek.
All students must wear a sun protective hat in term 4, that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities, for example broad-brimmed, legionnaire or bucket. Students who are not wearing appropriate protective clothing or a hat may be asked to play in the shade or in a suitable area protected from the sun from next Monday. A copy of our Sun Smart policy is available at:
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst parents/ caregivers. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
The parents that are randomly invited to participate in this year’s survey will receive further information early next week. All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent Opinion Survey will be conducted up to Friday 13th November. The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. These include: Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi and Greek.
Kind regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing,
AVPS Principal Team
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing,
AVPS Principal Team
Term 4, 2020
October 19th-23rd - Book Week 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds.'
Thu 22nd Oct - Dress Up Day - Book Week OR Sports Colours
Fri 23rd Oct - Public Holiday - Grand Final Eve - SCHOOL CLOSED
Mon 2nd Nov - Curriculum Day - PUPIL FREE
Tues 3rd Nov - Melbourne Cup Day -SCHOOL CLOSED
Wed 11th Nov - 'Q&A' for First Time Families - Prep 2021 - meet the staff remotely (time TBC)
Mon 16th Nov - 3:45pm-4:45pm - K-P Playground Transition Session #1
Wed 16th Dec - 3:45pm-4:45pm - K-P Playground Transition Session #2 'meet the 2021 teacher'
Fri 18th Dec - Term 4 (Semester 2) Reports published on COMPASS
Fri 18th Dec - Last Day term 4 - early dismissal - 1:30pm
Term 4, 2020
October 19th-23rd - Book Week 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds.'
Thu 22nd Oct - Dress Up Day - Book Week OR Sports Colours
Fri 23rd Oct - Public Holiday - Grand Final Eve - SCHOOL CLOSED
Mon 2nd Nov - Curriculum Day - PUPIL FREE
Tues 3rd Nov - Melbourne Cup Day -SCHOOL CLOSED
Wed 11th Nov - 'Q&A' for First Time Families - Prep 2021 - meet the staff remotely (time TBC)
Mon 16th Nov - 3:45pm-4:45pm - K-P Playground Transition Session #1
Wed 16th Dec - 3:45pm-4:45pm - K-P Playground Transition Session #2 'meet the 2021 teacher'
Fri 18th Dec - Term 4 (Semester 2) Reports published on COMPASS
Fri 18th Dec - Last Day term 4 - early dismissal - 1:30pm
Term Dates 2020 |
TERM 1 - 29 Jan - 27 Mar |
TERM 2 - STARTS TUESDAY 14 Apr - 26 Jun |
TERM 3 - 13 Jul - 18 Sep |
TERM 4 - 5 Oct - 18 Dec |
Public Holidays 2020 |
TERM 1 - Mon 9 March LABOUR DAY School Closed |
TERM 2 - Mon 13 April EASTER MONDAY School Closed |
TERM 2 - Mon 8 Jun QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY School Closed |
TERM 4 Fri 23 Oct PRE GRAND FINAL School Closed Tue 3 Nov MELBOURNE CUP DAY School Closed |
Pupil Free Days 2020
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Pupil Free Days 2020 |
TERM 1 Fri 6 Mar- Staff Dev 24-27 Mar - COVID-19 |
TERM 2 14 -17 Apr - COVID-19 |
TERM 3 13-17 Jul- COVID-19 |
TERM 4 Mon 2 Nov - Staff-Reporting |
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
How to get started before using our programs you must register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Please access files below to view the OSHC fortnightly report and/or the Camp Australia Holiday Program.
Dee and the OSHC team
Dee and the OSHC team