In an increasingly technological and complex world, it is important students develop knowledge and confidence to critically analyse and respond creatively to design challenges. Technologies can play a crucial role in both enriching and transforming societies, and in the management of natural and constructed environments. Through the practical application of technologies, students develop dexterity and coordination. This curriculum offers students a broad range of learning experiences, readily transferable to their home, life, leisure activities, the wider community, and to work.
Victorian Curriculum, Design & Technologies)
Students and teachers have access to Chromebooks, Google suite of Apps for Education, Televisions & monitors in each classroom and a variety of coding activities and equipment at AVPS.
Please access AVPS Policies at this link.
Please access the Department of Education and Training's - Digital Learning in Schools Policy at this link.
Please access the Department of Education and Training's - Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies at this link.
Please access the Department of Education and Training's - Digital Learning in Schools Policy at this link.
Please access the Department of Education and Training's - Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies at this link.
Regular network (history searches) and remote desktop searches may occur to monitor internet use. Students do not have access to the iTunes store or other social networking sites on personal devices at school. Students must not have a VPN (Virtual Private Network) app installed on their device.