Thank you to our AVPS community for continuing to co-operate and support the school to help keep our environment safe, happy and productive for students and staff.
It certainly has been a pleasure having children and staff back at school and it is pleasing to note that everyone has adapted to our CovidSafe strategies beautifully, such as staggered arrival, departure and break times, frequent hand sanitisation, mask wearing and more frequent outdoor learning.
Since our return to school on November 3, we are very satisfied with our collective efforts to provide an uninterrupted onsite school experience for our students and staff to date. We will therefore be continuing with our CovidSafe strategies until the end of the school year and look forward to reviewing these for the new school year. These CovidSafe strategies are summarised in orange text above, detailed below and can also found in the Return to School Handbook, available here:
We remind parents / carers of the fundamental strategies being implemented at AVPS to continue our CovidSafe operations, these are known as the Three V’s and include:
One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community is to stay at home when we are unwell, even when we have the mildest of symptoms. Please be reminded that staying at home when unwell underpins our AVPS CovidSafe Plan and we appreciate community efforts to comply with this very important health strategy.
What you need to know.
If children do present with these symptoms at school, parents and carers can expect to be contacted by AVPS staff, requesting affected children to be collected from school as soon as possible. As per departmental guidelines, parents or carers will be asked questions over the phone to ascertain the level of Covid-19 risk posed and, children will be supervised but isolated from other people until they have been collected.
It is therefore important that the school has up to date contact details for parents, carers AND emergency contacts, such as grandparents, neighbours, relatives or babysitters, who are permitted to collect children due to illness or injury when parents/carers are unavailable, noting emergency contacts must be over 18 years old.
Please contact the school if your details, or the details of your emergency contacts need to be updated. Please email: [email protected] or call 9370 6507.
What to do if an AVPS student is a contact of someone (at school or in the community) who has tested positive?
The AVPS school structure for 2022 will be unchanged as follows:
AVPS will be farewelling the following staff at the end of 2021 or early 2022.
Marg Blair Gannon (Unit 3 teacher) - after a career in education spanning over five decades, Marg has made the significant decision to ‘put away the chalk’ for the last time. However, we get to keep her for a little while longer, as Marg’s last official day at AVPS will be Friday 4th Feb 2022. We plan to farewell Marg in 2022.
Zorica Rakovic (Education Support Officer) - Zorica’s tenure with us, supporting student’s literacy development, will come to an end early in 2022.
Neville Stephens (Physical Education / Classroom Support Unit 2 ) - Neville has been appointed to an ongoing PE position at Doherty's Creek P-9 College in Truganina.
Maddie Thiele - (Unit 1 teacher) - Maddie will begin an ongoing appointment as a classroom teacher at Docklands PS in 2022.
We thank all departing staff for their dedication, energy, passion and expertise provided to the Ascot Vale PS community throughout their time with us, whether it was for one year or several decades, your efforts have been greatly appreciated.
Welcome New Staff 2022
We look forward to welcoming the following new staff members to AVPS in 2022:
Thank you to our AVPS community for continuing to co-operate and support the school to help keep our environment safe, happy and productive for students and staff.
It certainly has been a pleasure having children and staff back at school and it is pleasing to note that everyone has adapted to our CovidSafe strategies beautifully, such as staggered arrival, departure and break times, frequent hand sanitisation, mask wearing and more frequent outdoor learning.
Since our return to school on November 3, we are very satisfied with our collective efforts to provide an uninterrupted onsite school experience for our students and staff to date. We will therefore be continuing with our CovidSafe strategies until the end of the school year and look forward to reviewing these for the new school year. These CovidSafe strategies are summarised in orange text above, detailed below and can also found in the Return to School Handbook, available here:
We remind parents / carers of the fundamental strategies being implemented at AVPS to continue our CovidSafe operations, these are known as the Three V’s and include:
- Ventilation
- Vaccination
- Vital CovidSafe Steps (Social Distancing, Face Masks, Hygiene and Testing)
One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community is to stay at home when we are unwell, even when we have the mildest of symptoms. Please be reminded that staying at home when unwell underpins our AVPS CovidSafe Plan and we appreciate community efforts to comply with this very important health strategy.
What you need to know.
- If a child is unwell, even with the mildest of symptoms, they must stay at home
- If a child has any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) outlined below, however mild, they should get tested and they must remain at home until they receive their results:
- fever
- chills or sweats
- cough
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- runny nose
- loss of sense of smell or taste
If children do present with these symptoms at school, parents and carers can expect to be contacted by AVPS staff, requesting affected children to be collected from school as soon as possible. As per departmental guidelines, parents or carers will be asked questions over the phone to ascertain the level of Covid-19 risk posed and, children will be supervised but isolated from other people until they have been collected.
It is therefore important that the school has up to date contact details for parents, carers AND emergency contacts, such as grandparents, neighbours, relatives or babysitters, who are permitted to collect children due to illness or injury when parents/carers are unavailable, noting emergency contacts must be over 18 years old.
Please contact the school if your details, or the details of your emergency contacts need to be updated. Please email: [email protected] or call 9370 6507.
What to do if an AVPS student is a contact of someone (at school or in the community) who has tested positive?
- Education contacts: You must isolate immediately from the time you are notified you are an education contact, get a PCR test within 24 hours of being notified and continue to isolate until you receive a negative result. You are an education contact if you or your child went to school, or childcare (including early childhood education) and was in the same indoor space with someone who has COVID-19. Your education facility has informed you or your child that they are an education contact.
- Household contacts: must quarantine at home (for 7 days if fully vaccinated and for 14 days if not fully vaccinated). A household contact is someone who lives with a diagnosed person or has spent more than four hours with them in a house, accommodation or care facility.
- Social contacts: Are strongly recommended to get a standard (PCR) test at a testing centre and isolate until you get a negative result. You are a social contact if you have spent time with someone (who doesn’t live with you) who has COVID-19.
- Other contacts: The Department of Health may directly provide you special advice (including to get a PCR test or quarantine) if you have attended a high-risk public venue where positive cases have visited. You must follow that advice.
The AVPS school structure for 2022 will be unchanged as follows:
- UNIT 1 - Year Levels: Prep/1/2
- UNIT 2 - Year Levels: 3/4 & 5/6
- UNIT 3- Year Levels: Prep/1/2
- UNIT4 -Year Levels: 3/4 & 5/6
- UNIT 5 - Year Levels: Prep/1/2
- UNIT 6 - Year Levels: 3/4 & 5/6
AVPS will be farewelling the following staff at the end of 2021 or early 2022.
Marg Blair Gannon (Unit 3 teacher) - after a career in education spanning over five decades, Marg has made the significant decision to ‘put away the chalk’ for the last time. However, we get to keep her for a little while longer, as Marg’s last official day at AVPS will be Friday 4th Feb 2022. We plan to farewell Marg in 2022.
Zorica Rakovic (Education Support Officer) - Zorica’s tenure with us, supporting student’s literacy development, will come to an end early in 2022.
Neville Stephens (Physical Education / Classroom Support Unit 2 ) - Neville has been appointed to an ongoing PE position at Doherty's Creek P-9 College in Truganina.
Maddie Thiele - (Unit 1 teacher) - Maddie will begin an ongoing appointment as a classroom teacher at Docklands PS in 2022.
We thank all departing staff for their dedication, energy, passion and expertise provided to the Ascot Vale PS community throughout their time with us, whether it was for one year or several decades, your efforts have been greatly appreciated.
Welcome New Staff 2022
We look forward to welcoming the following new staff members to AVPS in 2022:

Kiedo Bull - will teach Year 5/6 in Unit 4 partnering with Ellen Waters who will teach Yr 3/4.

Chris Middleton - will partner with Annie Cuthbert in the Unit 1, P/1/2 classroom.

Isabella Rope (Bella) - will be joining Doug Skate in Unit 3 as a P/1/2/ teacher.
Welcome Back in 2022
We will be welcoming Sarah Ashton back to AVPS one day per week on Fridays in 2022, following a period of family leave. Sarah will release our Learning Specialist , Ben Kline, each Friday to enable him to carry out his leadership, coaching and mentoring duties.
Congratulations to Newly Appointed Ongoing Staff Members
Congratulations to Bridie Naughtin and Jamie Saggers who have been appointed to ongoing teaching positions at AVPS.
Unit 1 - Year P-2 - Annie Cuthbert and Chris Middleton
Unit 2 - Year 3-6 - Ben Kline (Mon-Thu) & Sarah Ashton (Fri) (3/4) and Bridie Naughtin (5/6)
Unit 3 - Year P-2 - Doug Skate and Bella Rope
Unit 4 - Year 3-6 - Ellen Waters (3/4) and Kiedo Bull (5/6)
Unit 5 - Year P-2 - Amanda McClure and Heath Smith
Unit 6 - Year 3-6 - Jason Simpson (3/4) and Rozeena Sen (5/6)
PE / TUTOR & Year 5/6 Team Leader - Jamie Saggers
VISUAL ARTS - Lucy McKinnon
JAPANESE - Andrew Truong
TUTOR - Year P-4 - Ian Simmonds
P-2 Classroom Music - Katherine Anderson
Please be reminded that the school cannot accept requests for teachers or units. The reason being, it is impossible for the school to satisfy such requests from everyone if this was to become usual practice across the school. It also sets parents/carers up for great disappointment if requests are made that cannot be accommodated. This is a situation we would prefer to avoid and therefore ask parents/carers not to request a particular teacher or unit. AVPS staff go through a complex and comprehensive process of determining individual and social needs of students in developing unit groups for the following year, noting our multi-age structure also encourages students and teachers to be together for more than one school year where possible.
Year 6 to 7 Transition Day - Tuesday 7th December is a statewide Year 7 Orientation Day. This event remains scheduled. The updated school operations guide states:
Orientation Day events can go ahead following community guidelines and safety measures.
AVPS Step Up Day #1 - Tuesday 7/12 is our first “Step Up” Transition morning. This is the same day that most year 6’s have their transition to Secondary School day. 2022 Year Prep students will NOT be included in this. This is a practise transition session where all students will move ‘up’ a year level
(not necessarily move classrooms) for the session. Students are NOT grouped in their 2022 classes, nor are teachers. This is an opportunity for students to:
**Year 2 students 2022 - Due to six lockdowns and almost 40% of teaching and learning occurring online over the past two school years, we are recommending and planning for our current year One students to remain in the same unit with their current peers and teachers listed above, for year Two. While there may be exceptions to the rule, we collectively believe another year together is in the best interests to support students socially, emotionally and academically next year. Please contact the school if you would like to discuss this further.
AVPS Step Up day #2 - Tuesday 14/12 is our final “Step Up” transition session, where we will meet with our 2022 class/unit and associated teachers. For both sessions, students will have an opportunity to be involved in a structured, step up lesson with time set aside, for a group conversation/ question time (note students will not bring anything with them) This is good practice to support students in their move from one year to the next. Sessions will take place outdoors only to stay in line with our strategies in place to reduce student and staff mixing.
We have after school a 30 minute orientation visit planned for 2022 Year Prep students to meet teachers and get to know our school grounds. Families have been contacted to confirm their child’s date and time.
Please note, 2022 Prep students and their families will be informed about their 2022 Unit placement in the final week of term 4.
To assist us with planning for the 2022 school structure, please finalise any Year Prep or new enrolments for 2022 as soon as possible. In addition, please notify the school if your child/children will not be returning to AVPS in 2022 ASAP. It is vital for the school to have this information now to help organise unit structures, budgets and staffing arrangements. Your cooperation in this matter is most appreciated.
Shade Grant
Block B roof - Learning studio/Art Room/ Library
We will be welcoming Sarah Ashton back to AVPS one day per week on Fridays in 2022, following a period of family leave. Sarah will release our Learning Specialist , Ben Kline, each Friday to enable him to carry out his leadership, coaching and mentoring duties.
Congratulations to Newly Appointed Ongoing Staff Members
Congratulations to Bridie Naughtin and Jamie Saggers who have been appointed to ongoing teaching positions at AVPS.
Unit 1 - Year P-2 - Annie Cuthbert and Chris Middleton
Unit 2 - Year 3-6 - Ben Kline (Mon-Thu) & Sarah Ashton (Fri) (3/4) and Bridie Naughtin (5/6)
Unit 3 - Year P-2 - Doug Skate and Bella Rope
Unit 4 - Year 3-6 - Ellen Waters (3/4) and Kiedo Bull (5/6)
Unit 5 - Year P-2 - Amanda McClure and Heath Smith
Unit 6 - Year 3-6 - Jason Simpson (3/4) and Rozeena Sen (5/6)
PE / TUTOR & Year 5/6 Team Leader - Jamie Saggers
VISUAL ARTS - Lucy McKinnon
JAPANESE - Andrew Truong
TUTOR - Year P-4 - Ian Simmonds
P-2 Classroom Music - Katherine Anderson
Please be reminded that the school cannot accept requests for teachers or units. The reason being, it is impossible for the school to satisfy such requests from everyone if this was to become usual practice across the school. It also sets parents/carers up for great disappointment if requests are made that cannot be accommodated. This is a situation we would prefer to avoid and therefore ask parents/carers not to request a particular teacher or unit. AVPS staff go through a complex and comprehensive process of determining individual and social needs of students in developing unit groups for the following year, noting our multi-age structure also encourages students and teachers to be together for more than one school year where possible.
Year 6 to 7 Transition Day - Tuesday 7th December is a statewide Year 7 Orientation Day. This event remains scheduled. The updated school operations guide states:
Orientation Day events can go ahead following community guidelines and safety measures.
AVPS Step Up Day #1 - Tuesday 7/12 is our first “Step Up” Transition morning. This is the same day that most year 6’s have their transition to Secondary School day. 2022 Year Prep students will NOT be included in this. This is a practise transition session where all students will move ‘up’ a year level
(not necessarily move classrooms) for the session. Students are NOT grouped in their 2022 classes, nor are teachers. This is an opportunity for students to:
- Visit a destination class/year levels
- Have an opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the following year (Voice) – hopefully demystify new routines students well before the first day of 2022 (the focus this day is especially for current year 2 and 4 students**).
**Year 2 students 2022 - Due to six lockdowns and almost 40% of teaching and learning occurring online over the past two school years, we are recommending and planning for our current year One students to remain in the same unit with their current peers and teachers listed above, for year Two. While there may be exceptions to the rule, we collectively believe another year together is in the best interests to support students socially, emotionally and academically next year. Please contact the school if you would like to discuss this further.
AVPS Step Up day #2 - Tuesday 14/12 is our final “Step Up” transition session, where we will meet with our 2022 class/unit and associated teachers. For both sessions, students will have an opportunity to be involved in a structured, step up lesson with time set aside, for a group conversation/ question time (note students will not bring anything with them) This is good practice to support students in their move from one year to the next. Sessions will take place outdoors only to stay in line with our strategies in place to reduce student and staff mixing.
We have after school a 30 minute orientation visit planned for 2022 Year Prep students to meet teachers and get to know our school grounds. Families have been contacted to confirm their child’s date and time.
- Orientation visit #1 - WEEK 9 - Mon 29/11 and Tue 30/11 from 3:45- 5:25
- Orientation Visit #2 - WEEK 10 - Mon 6/12 and Tue 7/12 from 3:45- 5:25
Please note, 2022 Prep students and their families will be informed about their 2022 Unit placement in the final week of term 4.
To assist us with planning for the 2022 school structure, please finalise any Year Prep or new enrolments for 2022 as soon as possible. In addition, please notify the school if your child/children will not be returning to AVPS in 2022 ASAP. It is vital for the school to have this information now to help organise unit structures, budgets and staffing arrangements. Your cooperation in this matter is most appreciated.
- After almost 2 years, The Victorian Schools Building Authority (VSBA) last week finally approved our business case for the replacement ‘Big Kids’ playground. We are now hoping that the playground will be completed by mid next year.
Shade Grant
- We were successful in the latest rounds of the DET shade grant, aimed at increasing learning outside due to the pandemic. AVPS now has $25,000 to go towards a covered structure outside unit 6.
Block B roof - Learning studio/Art Room/ Library
- After over 12 months of submitting ‘MakeSafe’ applications (emergency maintenance) and liaising with the VSBA about the leaking roof in the learning studio, we have received a scope of works and drawings to replace the entire Block B roof. We are hopeful that this project will start in the January holidays. The image below shows the scope of these roof replacement works.
We are excited to announce, in 2022 AVPS will form a partnership with The Resilience Project to deliver an engaging program, providing positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. Through presentations, school curriculum, diaries and Web based resources, this program seeks to assist students to become mentally healthy.
Who? The Resilience Project was founded by Hugh van Cullenburg. Click here to find more information about Hugh and The Resilience Project.
What? (GEM) Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy
The Resilience Project supports young people to form habits now that will increase their capacity to deal with challenges, changes and stressors in the future.
The lessons in The Resilience Project curriculum are focussed in four evidence based positive mental health strategies:
GRATITUDE - Paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don't have. We practice this by noticing the positives that exist around us.
EMPATHY - Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
MINDFULNESS - Our ability to be calm and present at any given moment. We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.
EMOTIONAL LITERACY - Our ability to label our emotions as we experience them. Labelling our emotions helps us to manage our emotions (soften negative emotions and find positive emotions). We practice this by labelling our emotions as we experience different parts of our day.
Parents and carers can access information about AVPS Parent Payment arrangements for 2022 on our website at this link, noting payment is not due until February 2022.
The last day of term 4 for students at AVPS is THURSDAY 16th December with an early finish time of 1:30pm, noting that Friday 17th December is an approved Pupil Free Day where parents and carers are asked to please make alternative arrangements for the care of children on this day.
Mon 31 Jan - First day for students in Years 1-6
Tue 1 Feb - First Day for students in Year Prep / Foundation
Kind regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing
Principal Team
We are excited to announce, in 2022 AVPS will form a partnership with The Resilience Project to deliver an engaging program, providing positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. Through presentations, school curriculum, diaries and Web based resources, this program seeks to assist students to become mentally healthy.
Who? The Resilience Project was founded by Hugh van Cullenburg. Click here to find more information about Hugh and The Resilience Project.
- The number of people experiencing problems with their mental health has increased.
- The age people first experience a mental health problem has decreased.
- Research suggests when students are happy and calm they learn better.
- Quality programs that explicitly address wellbeing are likely to improve academic achievement and reduce problem behaviours in students.
What? (GEM) Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy
The Resilience Project supports young people to form habits now that will increase their capacity to deal with challenges, changes and stressors in the future.
The lessons in The Resilience Project curriculum are focussed in four evidence based positive mental health strategies:
GRATITUDE - Paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don't have. We practice this by noticing the positives that exist around us.
EMPATHY - Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
MINDFULNESS - Our ability to be calm and present at any given moment. We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.
EMOTIONAL LITERACY - Our ability to label our emotions as we experience them. Labelling our emotions helps us to manage our emotions (soften negative emotions and find positive emotions). We practice this by labelling our emotions as we experience different parts of our day.
Parents and carers can access information about AVPS Parent Payment arrangements for 2022 on our website at this link, noting payment is not due until February 2022.
The last day of term 4 for students at AVPS is THURSDAY 16th December with an early finish time of 1:30pm, noting that Friday 17th December is an approved Pupil Free Day where parents and carers are asked to please make alternative arrangements for the care of children on this day.
Mon 31 Jan - First day for students in Years 1-6
Tue 1 Feb - First Day for students in Year Prep / Foundation
Kind regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing
Principal Team
Term 4, 2021
Wed 8th Dec - Sports Carnival - Year 3-6 @ AVPS
Mon 13th Dec - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony - Details to be distributed to Year 6 families via compass
Thu 16th Dec - Last Day term 4 - early finish- 1:30pm
Fri 17th Dec - Pupil Free Day - Staff professional learning and planning day Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children on this day.
Term 1, 2022
Mon 31 Jan - First day for students in Years 1-6
Tue 1 Feb - First Day for students in Year Prep / Foundation
Fri 11th Mar- Pupil Free Day - Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children on this day.
Mon 14th Mar - Public Holiday - School Closed
Fri 8th Apr - Last Day Term 1 - Early finish 2:30pm
Victorian School Term Dates Click button below:
Term 4, 2021
Wed 8th Dec - Sports Carnival - Year 3-6 @ AVPS
Mon 13th Dec - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony - Details to be distributed to Year 6 families via compass
Thu 16th Dec - Last Day term 4 - early finish- 1:30pm
Fri 17th Dec - Pupil Free Day - Staff professional learning and planning day Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children on this day.
Term 1, 2022
Mon 31 Jan - First day for students in Years 1-6
Tue 1 Feb - First Day for students in Year Prep / Foundation
Fri 11th Mar- Pupil Free Day - Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your children on this day.
Mon 14th Mar - Public Holiday - School Closed
Fri 8th Apr - Last Day Term 1 - Early finish 2:30pm
Victorian School Term Dates Click button below:
Pupil Free Days 2022
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Pupil Free Days 2022 |
TERM 1 Wed 27th Jan - Staff Dev Thu 28th Jan - Staff Dev |
TERM 2 - NIL |
TERM 3 - NIL |
TERM 4 Mon 1 Nov - Report Writing Fri 17 Dec - UPDATED - Staff Development |
Hot Shots Tennis - Prep Tennis Racquets & Playing Opportunities
Earlier in the year, as part of the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Tennis Racquet Roadshow I applied to Tennis Victoria for our Prep students to receive their very own free tennis racquet. The great news is that the Ascot Vale Primary School application was successful and this week at the Prep-Year 2 Assembly all our Prep students received their free tennis racquet as well as a certificate.
For all Ascot Vale Primary school children, there is also an opportunity to register for a free trial of ANZ Hot Shots Tennis. If you are interested please contact Anthony Burke at the Maribyrnong Park Tennis Club on 0411 180 681. You can also visit for further information.
Hot Shots Tennis - Prep Tennis Racquets & Playing Opportunities
Earlier in the year, as part of the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Tennis Racquet Roadshow I applied to Tennis Victoria for our Prep students to receive their very own free tennis racquet. The great news is that the Ascot Vale Primary School application was successful and this week at the Prep-Year 2 Assembly all our Prep students received their free tennis racquet as well as a certificate.
For all Ascot Vale Primary school children, there is also an opportunity to register for a free trial of ANZ Hot Shots Tennis. If you are interested please contact Anthony Burke at the Maribyrnong Park Tennis Club on 0411 180 681. You can also visit for further information.
Year 3-6 Sports Carnivals - Wednesday December 8th
Because of the cancellation of the Athletics Carnival I have decided to organise two Sports Carnivals on Wednesday December 8th. These will be held at school and will be a mixture of Athletics and Sports/Games events. The aim is to have fun but there will be a sense of competition whilst being inclusive of all. The Year 3/4 edition will be held between 9am and 10:30am and the Year 5/6 edition will be held over two time slots between 11:45am-12:30pm AND 2:30pm-3:15pm. Unfortunately due to the Department’s operations guidelines, parents won’t be allowed to be inside school grounds to witness these Carnivals.
Thank you Ascot Vale Primary School
As Sue has already mentioned in this edition of the newsletter, I will be leaving Ascot Vale Primary School at the end of this academic year to take up an ongoing position at Doherty's Creek P-9 College in Truganina. Whilst it is an exciting opportunity for myself it’s also bittersweet as I’ll be leaving behind a very supportive staff and school community who have all made me feel extremely welcome and ‘part of the furniture’ since the day I arrived. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all staff, parents and of course the children who I’ve had the pleasure of working with this year. I will miss you all and I wish you nothing but the best in 2022 and beyond.
Finally, the Physical Education program at AVPS will be in very safe hands with Jamie taking over the role next year!
Thank you
Neville Stephens
Because of the cancellation of the Athletics Carnival I have decided to organise two Sports Carnivals on Wednesday December 8th. These will be held at school and will be a mixture of Athletics and Sports/Games events. The aim is to have fun but there will be a sense of competition whilst being inclusive of all. The Year 3/4 edition will be held between 9am and 10:30am and the Year 5/6 edition will be held over two time slots between 11:45am-12:30pm AND 2:30pm-3:15pm. Unfortunately due to the Department’s operations guidelines, parents won’t be allowed to be inside school grounds to witness these Carnivals.
Thank you Ascot Vale Primary School
As Sue has already mentioned in this edition of the newsletter, I will be leaving Ascot Vale Primary School at the end of this academic year to take up an ongoing position at Doherty's Creek P-9 College in Truganina. Whilst it is an exciting opportunity for myself it’s also bittersweet as I’ll be leaving behind a very supportive staff and school community who have all made me feel extremely welcome and ‘part of the furniture’ since the day I arrived. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all staff, parents and of course the children who I’ve had the pleasure of working with this year. I will miss you all and I wish you nothing but the best in 2022 and beyond.
Finally, the Physical Education program at AVPS will be in very safe hands with Jamie taking over the role next year!
Thank you
Neville Stephens
Our uniform supplier PSW has reopening its stores. Online orders are still available.
The store that stocks AVPS uniform is: 2/51-53 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall (Deer Park) VIC 3023
Please also check the website for more updates.
Our uniform supplier PSW has reopening its stores. Online orders are still available.
The store that stocks AVPS uniform is: 2/51-53 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall (Deer Park) VIC 3023
Please also check the website for more updates.
FOUND - Early in term three
Does this bike look familiar? We have been taking good care of it since early term 3 and would love to reunite it with its owner. Please contact the school to collect it if it is yours.
Does this bike look familiar? We have been taking good care of it since early term 3 and would love to reunite it with its owner. Please contact the school to collect it if it is yours.

Being late to school impacts the child, the teacher and the class, not to mention sets bad habits that in some cases can be hard to break. If punctuality patterns for individual students occur, we will seek individual meetings with families, and together developing attendance improvements plans. Please ensure your child is at school on time. DET Every Day Counts -
Medical documentation is important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. From time to time it is necessary to update student medical and home contact information. If this is the case we ask you to come to the office or write to us to alert us of any change.
The Asthma Care/Management Plan tells the school how to manage your child’s asthma and what to do if their asthma gets worse. This should be updated and signed by the doctor on an annual basis. Please forward these to your classroom teachers as soon as possible. A reminder was sent home yesterday. Thank you to the parents who have already presented these.
Asthma Checklist for parents
1. Does your child have an up to date Asthma Action Plan (Asthma Care Plan)?
2. Does your child carry their reliever puffer and spacer with them at all times? Or is it readily available to their Carers?
3. Are you and your child aware of their asthma triggers?
4. Do you listen to what your child says?
5. Does your child take their asthma medication correctly
Being late to school impacts the child, the teacher and the class, not to mention sets bad habits that in some cases can be hard to break. If punctuality patterns for individual students occur, we will seek individual meetings with families, and together developing attendance improvements plans. Please ensure your child is at school on time. DET Every Day Counts -
Medical documentation is important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. From time to time it is necessary to update student medical and home contact information. If this is the case we ask you to come to the office or write to us to alert us of any change.
The Asthma Care/Management Plan tells the school how to manage your child’s asthma and what to do if their asthma gets worse. This should be updated and signed by the doctor on an annual basis. Please forward these to your classroom teachers as soon as possible. A reminder was sent home yesterday. Thank you to the parents who have already presented these.
Asthma Checklist for parents
1. Does your child have an up to date Asthma Action Plan (Asthma Care Plan)?
2. Does your child carry their reliever puffer and spacer with them at all times? Or is it readily available to their Carers?
3. Are you and your child aware of their asthma triggers?
4. Do you listen to what your child says?
5. Does your child take their asthma medication correctly
How to get started before using our programs you must register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Please access files below to view the OSHC fortnightly report and/or the Camp Australia Holiday Program.
Dee and the OSHC team
Dee and the OSHC team

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Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.