Thank you to Yves, Kyra, Matilda and Ava, who did a great job hosting our very special assembly at ~ 11:00am on 11/11/2020. They outlined the history and importance of this day and shared moving verses from 'In Flanders Fields'. They helped describe the impact of WWI a century ago and the significance of the red poppy symbol that lives on today.
We also heard expressions of gratitude for the vital role undertaken by a past AVPS student William Scurry, who invented the drip rifle that allowed the ANZAC and alliance troops to retreat from Gallipoli. This invention save thousands of lives. Next time you visit the AVPS office, please look out for the very special framed display in the foyer that pays homage to one of our most famous students, William Scurry. These posters were presented to AVPS students at the Canberra War Memorial several years ago.
The images below include some that were presented at our special assembly on 11/11/2020, featuring William Scurry and his drip rifle invention.
Thank you to Yves, Kyra, Matilda and Ava, who did a great job hosting our very special assembly at ~ 11:00am on 11/11/2020. They outlined the history and importance of this day and shared moving verses from 'In Flanders Fields'. They helped describe the impact of WWI a century ago and the significance of the red poppy symbol that lives on today.
We also heard expressions of gratitude for the vital role undertaken by a past AVPS student William Scurry, who invented the drip rifle that allowed the ANZAC and alliance troops to retreat from Gallipoli. This invention save thousands of lives. Next time you visit the AVPS office, please look out for the very special framed display in the foyer that pays homage to one of our most famous students, William Scurry. These posters were presented to AVPS students at the Canberra War Memorial several years ago.
The images below include some that were presented at our special assembly on 11/11/2020, featuring William Scurry and his drip rifle invention.
AVPS acknowledged 2020 NAIDOC Week at our remote assembly on Monday this week. Usually held from the first to the second Sunday in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, NAIDOC Week was moved to November in 2020.
Please click on the button below to enjoy the special 'Welcome to Country' video that was shared on Monday.
We particularly enjoyed the multi age nature of this delightful video.
AVPS acknowledged 2020 NAIDOC Week at our remote assembly on Monday this week. Usually held from the first to the second Sunday in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, NAIDOC Week was moved to November in 2020.
Please click on the button below to enjoy the special 'Welcome to Country' video that was shared on Monday.
We particularly enjoyed the multi age nature of this delightful video.
TERM 4 and student progression to the next year level
Our focus for Term 4 is to make sure that each student is supported in their wellbeing and learning needs, and can finish the year with the confidence to progress to the next year level in 2021. We want to assure you that we will respond to the unique and individual learning and wellbeing needs of all of our students, to prepare them for the transition, and continue to build their knowledge, skills and resilience.
Some parents may be worried about their child’s progress during the period of remote learning and wondering whether their child would benefit from repeating a year of school. Research shows that repeating a year level is not recommended and can lead to poorer outcomes for students. It’s understandable that parents may think that another 12 months at the same year level will give their child an opportunity to catch up or mature, however this is only the best option for a student in exceptional circumstances. In most cases, research tells us that repeating a year level is not an effective strategy as it often negatively impacts academic achievement, wellbeing, engagement, and school completion.
We have support available to help identify and meet the individual learning needs of each student. Our school will use teaching strategies that draw on the best evidence available to help students close any learning gaps and meet their learning needs. We will also have a new section in the term 4 report - "Personal Learning priorities" highlighting 2021 personalised focus areas for catch up and/or extension due to remote learning.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress, please contact you child's teacher. They will arrange a meeting with you to discuss how our school can work with you to support your child to complete this year and progress to the next year level in 2021 with confidence and optimism.
If you and your family (current year Prep to Five students) are leaving at the end of the 2020 school year, could you please contact the office now, by phone or in writing via email [email protected].
This information is important for us as we are now planning 2021 units and class structures.
Our focus for Term 4 is to make sure that each student is supported in their wellbeing and learning needs, and can finish the year with the confidence to progress to the next year level in 2021. We want to assure you that we will respond to the unique and individual learning and wellbeing needs of all of our students, to prepare them for the transition, and continue to build their knowledge, skills and resilience.
Some parents may be worried about their child’s progress during the period of remote learning and wondering whether their child would benefit from repeating a year of school. Research shows that repeating a year level is not recommended and can lead to poorer outcomes for students. It’s understandable that parents may think that another 12 months at the same year level will give their child an opportunity to catch up or mature, however this is only the best option for a student in exceptional circumstances. In most cases, research tells us that repeating a year level is not an effective strategy as it often negatively impacts academic achievement, wellbeing, engagement, and school completion.
We have support available to help identify and meet the individual learning needs of each student. Our school will use teaching strategies that draw on the best evidence available to help students close any learning gaps and meet their learning needs. We will also have a new section in the term 4 report - "Personal Learning priorities" highlighting 2021 personalised focus areas for catch up and/or extension due to remote learning.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress, please contact you child's teacher. They will arrange a meeting with you to discuss how our school can work with you to support your child to complete this year and progress to the next year level in 2021 with confidence and optimism.
If you and your family (current year Prep to Five students) are leaving at the end of the 2020 school year, could you please contact the office now, by phone or in writing via email [email protected].
This information is important for us as we are now planning 2021 units and class structures.
MESSAGE from the Victorian Chief Health Officer
Adj Clin Prof Brett Sutton
Professor Sutton's message in the file below provides an update on the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and outlines transmission risk at school is low. It also offers assurance to our school community that the health, wellbeing and safety of students continues to be of paramount importance.
Please access the full message in the PDF file below.
Adj Clin Prof Brett Sutton
Professor Sutton's message in the file below provides an update on the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and outlines transmission risk at school is low. It also offers assurance to our school community that the health, wellbeing and safety of students continues to be of paramount importance.
Please access the full message in the PDF file below.

chief_health_officer_message_for_parent_or_carers_of_school-aged_children.pdf | |
File Size: | 125 kb |
File Type: |
THANK YOU to everyone for doing their bit. AVPS continues to be a Covid Safe School and we can not do it without you.
Advice, guidance and support for managing and responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victorian schools is ever changing. The Department of Education and Training Victoria has updated their school operations guidelines to schools twice since the last newsletter. We will continue to update you as well as our Covid Safe plan in the coming days to reflect any changes. We will of course continue to communicate any important changes in between newsletters to you as well.
In the meantime, below are some reminders, with updates and information (this is only a selection) for you under three of the four pillars to help you better understand the priorities for students and staff in Term 4 whilst reducing the risk of transfer of CV19 . Please read through these carefully as your help with a number of them will keep us all safe. Remember we are all in this together.
THANK YOU to everyone for doing their bit. AVPS continues to be a Covid Safe School and we can not do it without you.
Advice, guidance and support for managing and responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victorian schools is ever changing. The Department of Education and Training Victoria has updated their school operations guidelines to schools twice since the last newsletter. We will continue to update you as well as our Covid Safe plan in the coming days to reflect any changes. We will of course continue to communicate any important changes in between newsletters to you as well.
In the meantime, below are some reminders, with updates and information (this is only a selection) for you under three of the four pillars to help you better understand the priorities for students and staff in Term 4 whilst reducing the risk of transfer of CV19 . Please read through these carefully as your help with a number of them will keep us all safe. Remember we are all in this together.
- Managing unwell students and staff - Updated fact sheet - click here. Anyone displaying any CV19 symptoms MUST NOT attend AVPS. Even when a negative CV19 test is returned, you must not return to AVPS until all symptoms have gone. Please help us with this. Health care plans, where relevant, should be updated to provide additional advice on monitoring and identification of the unwell child in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19) - eg if your child suffers from Asthma or Hay fever.
- No singing indoors, however updated DET operations guidelines states “children are able to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to classmates, including in classrooms, given its short duration. This is an appropriate way to mark a significant milestone for children.” That said, we are still encouraging staff to try and do this outdoors, if possible.
- Hand sanitizer/ Hand washing - All staff and students must wash their hands as they enter building and classrooms and undertake other activities (eg before and after using play equipment).
- Mask wearing. Staff must wear masks unless they are directly teaching, in which case, it is the teacher's choice to wear a mask or not. Students do not have to wear masks but may do so if they wish to. Students who show symptoms of CV19 during the school day will need to wear a mask while they are waiting in the first aid room until they have been collected.
- Mask wearing. Parents must always wear a mask when collecting their children. We ask you to consider the health of other people and change your behaviors to reduce the risk to others (eg - if you are unable to wear a mask due to a health reason, please collect your children using a vehicle.) Thank you to the majority of parents doing the right thing.
- Drop off - We continue to ask families to please stagger the drop off times. Drop off time continues to be a calm and orderly time of the school day at AVPS (as noticed by staff). We would prefer no one lining up before 9am to reduce the number of people together, so, please try your best to arrive at 9:00 - thanks.
- Please ensure your child brings their own water bottle to school. Drink taps are out of bounds, filling up bottles is fine.
- Outside learning is encouraged as much as possible. This has been evident in the past few days with nicer weather.
- Students should practice physical distancing where possible. Maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 metres will not always be practical in the school environment and may be particularly challenging in the younger years of primary school. In these contexts, a combination of health and safety measures should be utilised to reduce risk. Some examples include:
- reminding students, staff and visitors including through signage, of the importance of physical distancing where possible
- reconfiguring class spaces where possible, using all available space in the school
- marking the floor indicating physical distancing in appropriate locations
- Parents are not allowed on school grounds apart from the main office foyer. We ask you to consider a phone call or email rather than coming to the office to ask a question.
- School Grounds will remain closed to the public at all times. We understand that this is frustrating for some however reducing the number of people to our grounds reduces the overall risk to us all.
- Windows and doors are being opened at the start of the school day to promote ventilation within classrooms and office spaces.
- All DET and external support staff will continue to be telehealth for the remainder of the year - DET guidelines states “Additional staff, including parent volunteers, must not attend school at this time”
- Transition - Kinder to Prep. Small group kinder-to-school transition activities are permitted in schools in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, such as parents, educators and children meeting a Prep teacher in a school environment. Group size should not exceed 10 people and no intermixing with other students at the school should occur. Prep Transition starts next week.
- Sport - Updated Guidelines state “In line with community advice, reasonable precautions are still advised to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in the context of sport and recreation.” Also “Outdoor facilities are recommended for physical education and recreational play. Outdoor contact and non-contact sport (So for PE) can resume. Hand hygiene must be practised before and after use of any sporting equipment.
- Year 6 Graduation - Wednesday 9th December. Times (note - during school day) and details TBC. Graduations are permitted face-to-face in Victorian schools. Students from the graduating year level and staff can attend in person. Parents/carers and other family members or friends cannot attend in person but may have a copy of the ceremony made available to them or an online broadcasting of the event could occur.
All schools are required to follow public health directions and apply the operational health and safety advice to schools during the graduation ceremony. - Camps and excursions. School camps and excursions in metropolitan Melbourne cannot resume at this time.
The Directions issued by the Chief Health Officer currently prevent students from moving out of metropolitan Melbourne and into regional Victoria for school camps or to attend remote campuses. AVPS School Council has recently approved a recommendation not to have a 2021 Camp as it usually takes a year of planning. We are exploring other ideas/ options instead for 2021. Camps at AVPS are planned (and booked) to resume in 2022; mirroring what was planned this year. - School Assemblies have resumed remotely each week for student and staff. This is keeping us all connected whilst we are apart more than ever at school. If this continues next year we will look to inviting parents/ caregivers to them.
To assist us with planning for the 2021 school structure, please finalise any Year Prep or new enrolments for 2021 as soon as possible. In addition, please notify the school if your child/children will not be returning to AVPS in 2021. It is important for the school to have this information at the earliest possible time to help organise unit structures, budgets and staffing arrangements. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated.
We are really looking forward to meeting our new 2021 year prep student and their families. However, Covid-19 has altered most of our usual kindergarten to year prep transition practices, due to parents or visitors being unable to attend our school site.
We have therefore developed a modified CovidSafe K-P transition process and information, featuring:
Please access our handbook for new families at the link below.
This is available in PDF or web based. Please note the language can be changed on the web format at the top left corner of the page.
This forum was held on the evening of Wednesday 11th November this week. This was an opportunity for first time families to AVPS to meet current P-2 teachers, The Principal and Assistant Principal and for questions about starting school at AVPS to be addressed. Thank you to all staff and visitors for participating in this modified forum. It was lovely to get to meet each other and to answer some important questions.
We are planning two after school, 30 minute visits for 2021 prep students to meet teachers and get to know our school grounds. Please note, Victorian schools are only allowed to host 10 transitioning students at a time and Parents unfortunately are not allowed to enter the school site.
Families have be supplied with one November date / time as and will receive their as December date / time in the coming weeks.
Save the dates:
Our year 5/6 teaching team and students are currently hard at work making plans to ensure the right of passage between primary and secondary school for our year 6’s is undertaken in 2020 with the significance it deserves, albeit in a CovidSafe manner. Details will be shared with families in the coming weeks, however, please note the following departmental advice will need to be followed:
Small group primary to secondary school transition activities can resume in term 4 2020. This includes Year 6 students and their teacher or parents meeting Year 7 educators in the secondary school environment. Group size will not be able to exceed 10 people and groups will not be able to mix with other students at the school. Families will be contacted by secondary schools to outline details of their transition programs.
AVPS is planning ‘step up’ activities to assist students as they transition from one year level to the next within AVPS. These will take place in December – details to follow
PLANNING FOR 2021 UNIT PLACEMENT & a note about requests
Staff will begin placing students in classes for the 2021 school year in the coming weeks. As always, when the structure is confirmed, this will be communicated via the newsletter later this term.
In the meantime, please note we are now seeking requests in writing for siblings to be placed together (or not). To ensure requests can be met, these are due by no later than Friday 20th November 2020. Please attention this information to Michael Downing at this email address: [email protected]
Also, please be aware that the school cannot accept requests for teachers or units. The reason being, it is impossible for the school to satisfy such requests from everyone if this was to become usual practice across the school. It also sets parents/carers up for great disappointment if request are made that cannot be accommodated. This is a situation we would prefer to avoid and therefore ask parents/carers not to request a particular teacher or unit. AVPS staff go through a complex and comprehensive process of determining individual and social needs of students in developing unit groups for the following year, noting our multi-age structure also encourages students and teachers to be together for more than one school year where possible.
Please note, students and their families will be informed about their 2021 Unit placement in the final week of term 4 and children will have the opportunity to meet with their new unit and teacher (where possible) before the end of the school year.
AVPS is yet to confirm end of year activities, however, the following departmental advice will be followed:
Kind regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing,
AVPS Principal Team
To assist us with planning for the 2021 school structure, please finalise any Year Prep or new enrolments for 2021 as soon as possible. In addition, please notify the school if your child/children will not be returning to AVPS in 2021. It is important for the school to have this information at the earliest possible time to help organise unit structures, budgets and staffing arrangements. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated.
We are really looking forward to meeting our new 2021 year prep student and their families. However, Covid-19 has altered most of our usual kindergarten to year prep transition practices, due to parents or visitors being unable to attend our school site.
We have therefore developed a modified CovidSafe K-P transition process and information, featuring:
- New Families Handbook
- First time families forum
- Outdoor orientation program
- Specially developed videos for new students and their families
- February classroom orientation program
- Other videos of interest about our school
Please access our handbook for new families at the link below.
This is available in PDF or web based. Please note the language can be changed on the web format at the top left corner of the page.
This forum was held on the evening of Wednesday 11th November this week. This was an opportunity for first time families to AVPS to meet current P-2 teachers, The Principal and Assistant Principal and for questions about starting school at AVPS to be addressed. Thank you to all staff and visitors for participating in this modified forum. It was lovely to get to meet each other and to answer some important questions.
We are planning two after school, 30 minute visits for 2021 prep students to meet teachers and get to know our school grounds. Please note, Victorian schools are only allowed to host 10 transitioning students at a time and Parents unfortunately are not allowed to enter the school site.
Families have be supplied with one November date / time as and will receive their as December date / time in the coming weeks.
Save the dates:
- Mon Nov 16th OR Tue Nov 17th
- Tue Dec 15th OR Wed Dec 16th
Our year 5/6 teaching team and students are currently hard at work making plans to ensure the right of passage between primary and secondary school for our year 6’s is undertaken in 2020 with the significance it deserves, albeit in a CovidSafe manner. Details will be shared with families in the coming weeks, however, please note the following departmental advice will need to be followed:
- The current Year 6 graduations are permitted face to face in Victorian schools. Students and staff can attend in person. Parents/carers and other family members or friends cannot attend in person but may engage via alternative means.
Small group primary to secondary school transition activities can resume in term 4 2020. This includes Year 6 students and their teacher or parents meeting Year 7 educators in the secondary school environment. Group size will not be able to exceed 10 people and groups will not be able to mix with other students at the school. Families will be contacted by secondary schools to outline details of their transition programs.
AVPS is planning ‘step up’ activities to assist students as they transition from one year level to the next within AVPS. These will take place in December – details to follow
PLANNING FOR 2021 UNIT PLACEMENT & a note about requests
Staff will begin placing students in classes for the 2021 school year in the coming weeks. As always, when the structure is confirmed, this will be communicated via the newsletter later this term.
In the meantime, please note we are now seeking requests in writing for siblings to be placed together (or not). To ensure requests can be met, these are due by no later than Friday 20th November 2020. Please attention this information to Michael Downing at this email address: [email protected]
Also, please be aware that the school cannot accept requests for teachers or units. The reason being, it is impossible for the school to satisfy such requests from everyone if this was to become usual practice across the school. It also sets parents/carers up for great disappointment if request are made that cannot be accommodated. This is a situation we would prefer to avoid and therefore ask parents/carers not to request a particular teacher or unit. AVPS staff go through a complex and comprehensive process of determining individual and social needs of students in developing unit groups for the following year, noting our multi-age structure also encourages students and teachers to be together for more than one school year where possible.
Please note, students and their families will be informed about their 2021 Unit placement in the final week of term 4 and children will have the opportunity to meet with their new unit and teacher (where possible) before the end of the school year.
AVPS is yet to confirm end of year activities, however, the following departmental advice will be followed:
- Face-to-face year level assemblies can occur for students and staff only, no parents or other external visitors can attend.
- Whole school assemblies and other non-essential large gatherings must be postponed or adapted through online means.
Kind regards
Sue Osborne & Michael Downing,
AVPS Principal Team
AVPS Amazing Race - Update!
Walk Around Australia Term 4 Challenge!
We need every student and teacher to get involved in the AVPS Walk Around Australia Term 4 Challenge! If everyone was to get involved we would definitely be able to make our way around Australia by the end of this term! Keep up the amazing effort everyone and remember to get active!
PE Reminders
A friendly reminder that as the weather starts to get hotter please remember to ensure your child has their hat, water bottle and is wearing sunscreen, especially on the days when they have PE. I do not want any sunburnt and dehydrated faces at the end of PE. Thank you.
The Prep – 2s have made their way to Noosa Heads! Keep up the effort!
The 3/4s have made their way to Mackay!
The 5/6s are powering through and have made their way to Hope Vale!
Term 4, 2020
Week 7 - (Date and session time have been allocated) - K-P Playground Transition Session #1
Fri 13th Nov - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright
Fri 20th Nov - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright
Fri 27th Nov - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright
Fri 4th Dec - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright - think Christmas!
Wed 9th Dec - Year 6 Graduation Day - details to follow
Fri 11th Dec - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright - think Christmas!
Week 11 -(Date and session time to be allocated) -K-P Playground Transition Session #2 'meet the 2021 teacher'
Fri 18th Dec - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright - think Christmas!
Fri 18th Dec - Term 4 (Semester 2) Reports published on COMPASS
Fri 18th Dec - Last Day term 4 - early dismissal - 1:30pm
Term 4, 2020
Week 7 - (Date and session time have been allocated) - K-P Playground Transition Session #1
Fri 13th Nov - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright
Fri 20th Nov - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright
Fri 27th Nov - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright
Fri 4th Dec - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright - think Christmas!
Wed 9th Dec - Year 6 Graduation Day - details to follow
Fri 11th Dec - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright - think Christmas!
Week 11 -(Date and session time to be allocated) -K-P Playground Transition Session #2 'meet the 2021 teacher'
Fri 18th Dec - FRIDAY FUNDAY - dress bright - think Christmas!
Fri 18th Dec - Term 4 (Semester 2) Reports published on COMPASS
Fri 18th Dec - Last Day term 4 - early dismissal - 1:30pm
Term Dates 2020 |
TERM 1 - 29 Jan - 27 Mar |
TERM 2 - STARTS TUESDAY 14 Apr - 26 Jun |
TERM 3 - 13 Jul - 18 Sep |
TERM 4 - 5 Oct - 18 Dec |
Public Holidays 2020 |
TERM 1 - Mon 9 March LABOUR DAY School Closed |
TERM 2 - Mon 13 April EASTER MONDAY School Closed |
TERM 2 - Mon 8 Jun QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY School Closed |
TERM 4 Fri 23 Oct PRE GRAND FINAL School Closed Tue 3 Nov MELBOURNE CUP DAY School Closed |
Pupil Free Days 2020
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child or children on the following dates, as students are not required to attend school on Pupil Free Days.
Pupil Free Days 2020 |
TERM 1 Fri 6 Mar- Staff Dev 24-27 Mar - COVID-19 |
TERM 2 14 -17 Apr - COVID-19 |
TERM 3 13-17 Jul- COVID-19 |
TERM 4 Mon 2 Nov - Staff-Reporting |
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
Please click on the heading above to access important reminders for AVPS parents and /or guardians, which are updated fortnightly.
Please click on the heading above to discover how your child / children can become involved in extra curricular programs at AVPS.
How to get started before using our programs you must register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Keep in mind we are able to take bookings at short notice to help busy families.
Save on Care. You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more, call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday
Please access files below to view the OSHC fortnightly report and/or the Camp Australia Holiday Program.
Dee and the OSHC team
Dee and the OSHC team