Updated 24/10/2024
A handbook for families who are new to AVPS in 2025 can be accessed either in the PDF below or on this web page below. Noting, the language may be changed if desired on the web page (top left corner), but not on the PDF. The web page contains text only, no images. Images, of staff, for example, can be found in the PDF.
This handbook is designed to assist families of 2025 Year Prep/Foundation students, however, is will also be helpful to read if children are starting school at AVPS in different year levels.
Hard Copies are available on request. Please approach office staff.
A handbook for families who are new to AVPS in 2025 can be accessed either in the PDF below or on this web page below. Noting, the language may be changed if desired on the web page (top left corner), but not on the PDF. The web page contains text only, no images. Images, of staff, for example, can be found in the PDF.
This handbook is designed to assist families of 2025 Year Prep/Foundation students, however, is will also be helpful to read if children are starting school at AVPS in different year levels.
Hard Copies are available on request. Please approach office staff.

new_families_handbook_2025_docx_21st_oct_24_.pdf | |
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Tips for starting schoolIn addition to our AVPS handbook below, please access a Department of Education and Training site for excellent transition hints and tips: https://www.vic.gov.au/tips-starting-school
AVPS Handbook for New Families 2025
Dear, Parents, Carers and New Students
Welcome to Ascot Vale Ps
We hope your child and family enjoy their school experience as much as we enjoy working at Ascot Vale PS.
This booklet has been put together to answer as many of your questions as possible about starting school at AVPS. However, as always, please contact or approach us if you have further queries, or if you need to discuss your child or family’s situation.
Ascot Vale PS is fortunate to have a most dedicated, hardworking, and talented staff team, who are all more than willing to help you and your child settle into school life.
We are committed to inclusive education principles where all members of our school community are valued and supported to fully participate, learn, develop, and succeed within our unique learning community.
We look forward to getting to know you better over the coming days, weeks, and months to help make your child’s transition to school as smooth as possible.
Sue Osborne
Ben Kline
Assistant Principal 2025
AVPS Vision, Mission and Values
Our Vision
AVPS is a unique learning community. Our school community is vibrant and inclusive. Our students are independent, passionate, confident and embrace the joy of learning. As a result, our students are engaged, inquisitive and happy. They are empowered for lifelong learning and to have a positive impact on the world around them.
Our Mission
Our school values guide us in all we think and do. We provide high-quality teaching and learning in a multi-age classroom environment. We do everything with a spirit of collaboration and friendship. We support our students to have the knowledge, skills, and behaviours to be valuable and valued members of our school community.
Our Values
At Ascot Vale Primary School we embrace the following five school values:
RESPECT - We honour and admire equality, politeness, tact, and grace in ourselves, relationships, the environment, and diversity.
RESPONSIBILITY - We fulfill our duty with good judgment, actions, behaviours, active participation, leadership, and resilience.
EXCELLENCE - We strive for personal best, persistence, creativity in learning, performing, and socializing, fostering positive behaviours and attitudes.
EMPATHY - We listen and understand others, practicing patience, support, care, compassion, kindness, and sensitivity.
GRATITUDE - We appreciate and express kindness, positivity, optimism, reflecting outwards through our actions and words for people, things, and feelings.
Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
Teaching and Learning at Ascot Vale PS reflects the Victorian Curriculum, found at this link https://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development, and active and informed citizenship. The school follows a two-year cycle, whole school curriculum scope and sequence plan, using an integrated and inquiry approach to learning.
Specialist Subjects
Specialist classes are taught by specialist teachers for one hour per week (P-6) these include: Physical Education, Visual Arts, and our Japanese Language Program.
In addition, all children have one scheduled visit to the library each week and are encouraged to borrow and read books regularly. Children in Years P-1 also participate in classroom music classes each week.
Items your child requires for specialist sessions include:
A range of curriculum support and enrichment programs are offered at AVPS. These include:
AVPS Instructional Teaching and Learning Model
The Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model is the instructional teaching and learning model implemented by teaching teams (P-6) at AVPS. GRR lessons feature the following stages, known as ‘Whole, Part, Whole’:
Throughout the learning process, teachers ‘gradually release responsibility’ to children by guiding them through the following phases, where the teacher starts out providing maximum support to learners and gradually guides them towards taking responsibility and practicing learnt skills independently. This teaching method is known as ‘To, With, By’ and is best understood in the context of learning to read, where a book is read ‘to’ then ‘with’ then ‘by’ the child independently, as learning progresses. This model can be applied to all types of learning for all ages and circumstances, for example, learning to drive.
The GRR instructional model is supported at AVPS by the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS), which are ten instructional practices, appearing below, identified by the Victorian Department of Education and Training that reliably increase student learning wherever they are applied.
High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)
Setting Goals
Structuring lessons
Explicit teaching
Worked Examples
Collaborative Learning
Multiple Exposures
Metacognitive Strategies
Differentiated teaching
The High Impact Teaching Strategies feature prominently in AVPS planning documentation and teaching & learning programs across the school. This document can be accessed at the link above.
ICT – Digital Devices Policy and Program
Our Digital devices Policy and Program was reviewed and updated in 2022; here is a summary:
Vision for digital technology at our school Ascot Vale PS promotes, encourages, and supports students to become confident, safe, and innovative lifelong users of ICT in working towards developing and maintaining a 21st century ICT skill set.
Ascot Vale PS eLearning Plan
The Ascot Vale PS eLearning Plan will guide the implementation of the Ascot Vale PS Digital Technologies policy.
It will guide the practice of the eLearning Team and staff to achieve targets, implement and review actions in the categories of: Learning, Teaching and Assessment; ICT Professional Learning; Learning Places and Spaces; Learning Communities and eLearning Leadership.
Year P-2 & 3-6 Digital Device Program
In 2025, Year P-2 students will continue to have access to shared 1:2 Chromebook digital devices to complement the learning program at Ascot Vale PS.
Learning in Year 3-6 classrooms at Ascot Vale PS will continue to be supported by a 1:1 digital device program. Each child is assigned a Chromebook in Year 3, which remains theirs until Year 6.
The Ascot Vale PS P-2 and 3-6 Digital Devices program features:
Ascot Vale PS provides Chromebooks that will be used by students and stored at school, unless borrowed by families for the purpose of implementing a remote and flexible learning program.
Funding is provided by the school, supported by yearly optional parent payments, and guided by the DET Parent Payment Policy
Multi-age Learning and Teaching
At Ascot Vale PS children are organised into multi-age groups, known as ‘Units’, whereby two teachers share an open plan teaching and learning space and are assigned the equivalent of two classes of children. The 2024 structure is yet to be determined at the time of publication, however, in 2023, the multi-age structure was organised in the following way:
Unit 1 - P/1/2 *
Unit 2 - 3/4 & 5/6
Unit 3 - P/1/2
Unit 4 - 3/4 & 5/6
Unit 5 - P/1/2 *
Unit 6 - 3/4 & 5/6
*Indicates team teaching, where two teachers plan, teach, and take responsibility for two combined classes
The AVPS multi-age structure commenced in 1984 with support from the wider school community, in response to an emerging issue of increased school wide anti-social disruption. Several critical factors, including teacher readiness, staff ownership, parental involvement and collaborative planning has ensured that the multi-age approach at Ascot Vale PS has had a positive and lasting impact on establishing and maintaining a positive school environment over a 35-year timeframe.
Our multi-age classrooms reflect an organisational structure in which children of different ages (at least a two-year span) and ability levels are grouped together. The multi-age structure allows younger and older children to interact socially and academically.
The multi-age structure enables all children to learn at their appropriate developmental stage whilst considering individual learning needs. The structure will change over your child’s years at school as we refine and re-organise the groupings according to the educational needs of the children, staff changes and fluctuating enrolment numbers. When this does happen, parents are informed; the multi-age methodology however is the foundation upon which most educational decisions are made at Ascot Vale PS.
The following features of multi-age at Ascot Vale PS helps make us a Unique Learning Community:
AVPS teaching staff meet regularly in teams to collaboratively plan teaching and learning programs using a Professional Learning Community (PLC) approach to school improvement. Groups of teachers work collaboratively at the school level to improve student outcomes. This approach starts from a simple idea: students learn more when their teachers work together.
Building a PLC is a proven way for schools to increase student learning by creating a culture that is:
● focussed on continuous improvement by linking the learning needs of students with the professional learning and practice of teachers.
● committed to professionalism.
● fuelled by collaborative expertise.
Extra-Curricular Activities @ AVPS
MVIMP – Moonee Vale Instrumental Music Program (Years 3 – 6)
This is an instrumental music program offering tuition in the following categories: Brass, Woodwind, Strings, Percussion and Bass Guitar. MVIMP operates across three other schools in our area: Ascot Vale West PS, Moonee Ponds PS and Moonee Ponds West PS. Children attend an instrumental music lesson each week and may participate in concerts and the school band. Our combined concert is held every year in term four at Moonee Valley Racecourse.
Piano – Private tuition is offered by Lamplight Music to students in Years P – 6. There is also an opportunity for students to participate in piano exams if they wish. Students can participate in the annual piano concert.
Dance - provided by Dance Theatre in the school hall after school on Tuesdays and Saturday mornings.
Kelly Sports - Offered on Wednesday after school (P-6).
Camps and Excursions
Excursions and camps are essential to assist children with their physical and social development and understanding of their world. Children participate in excursions and incursions each term and students from Years 3 – 6 can attend camp at least once per year.
Helping Your Child to Read
Reading together is a valuable thing to do. Reading increases your child’s vocabulary, expands your child’s understanding of the world, and gives them confidence when using language. Reading is also an important way to make the link between spoken words and written words.
Here are some general tips:
Learning to write begins with scribbling and drawing. This is an important first step and should be encouraged. The next step is to encourage your child to write letter-like shapes, before moving on to practise writing the alphabet – both capitals and lower-case letters. After this, encourage your child to write sentences containing short words.
Here are some general tips to help your child when writing:
Literacy and Numeracy Tips to help your child every day (Click Link)
This is a guide (summarised above and below) for parents of children aged 0-12 that provides handy tips and ways to help children develop literacy and numeracy skills.
Helping Your Child Develop Numeracy Skills
Developing numeracy skills early gives children an important foundation for their learning and development. It helps prepare them for daily life, including general problem solving and handling money.
Maths includes noticing numbers, shapes, patterns, size, time, and measurement. Incorporating maths into everyday experiences is easy and fun. Maths is everywhere – in the playground, at the shops and at home.
Children need lots of experience in making, counting, drawing, and talking about numbers. The activities in this section will help your child to develop these skills. You may feel the maths your child is doing at their early childhood centre, kindergarten or school is different from how you were taught, but you can still support your child in many ways. Make connections for your child by explaining how numbers and counting are a part of everyday life.
Talking about maths
It is important for children to develop specific language skills related to maths. Visits to the playground, or helping at home, provide rich and meaningful contexts to develop these skills. It might take time for your child to use these terms and language effectively, but exposure to this mathematical talk is a strong support for future learning.
Some activities to develop mathematical language:
Student Engagement, Inclusion, Wellbeing & Health
AVPS has always aimed for children to develop a sense of belonging; school becomes a familiar and safe place, and this feeling of connectedness is optimal for learning.
We understand however, that problems can arise from time to time. When this does happen, we ask that parents/carers please discuss these in the first instance with the child’s teacher, where issues may be resolved promptly and efficiently. If the situation does not improve, parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the Assistant Principal who is also the Student Wellbeing Coordinator. If the Assistant Principal or parent/guardian believes the situation is still not resolved, it will be referred to the principal.
We suggest that parents/guardians make appointments to meet with teachers to allow ample time to discuss concerns. Please be aware that teachers may not always be available to meet without notice due to other commitments, such as staff or team planning meetings being scheduled on any given day before or after school. ClassDojo messaging is the best way to contact your child’s teacher; more details about this and other forms of communication can be found under ‘Communication’.
Inclusive Education
Inclusive education means that all members of our school community are valued and supported to fully participate, learn, develop, and succeed within an inclusive school culture. The aim is to create a safe and inclusive school environment for students with disabilities and additional needs.
Inclusive education focuses on developing the knowledge and skills of school staff and giving our school clearer guidance and specialist support to better respond to the needs of students with disabilities and additional learning needs.
Welcoming student differences
Ascot Vale PS celebrates diversity and is committed to supporting the achievement and participation of all students. Inclusive education acknowledges that some children and young people have intersecting identities or additional needs that may need to be taken into consideration. These identities may relate to:
●having a disability or additional learning needs
●gender identity
●sexual orientation
●being an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
●cultural identity
●speaking a language other than English
●social factors
●economic factors
●experience of abuse, neglect, or family violence.
Inclusive education highlights from 2024 include:
As a school, we have achieved so much in our first year of the Department of Education Disability Inclusion reform. We are excited to continue celebrating our diverse learners and improving our school practices in the Inclusion space.
The Resilience Project
In 2025 AVPS will continue a partnership with The Resilience Project to deliver an engaging program, providing positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. Through presentations, school curriculum, diaries and Web based resources, this program seeks to assist students to become mentally healthy.
Who? The Resilience Project was founded by Hugh van Cullenburg. Click here to find more information about Hugh and The Resilience Project.
What? (GEM) Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy
The Resilience Project supports young people to form habits now that will increase their capacity to deal with challenges, changes, and stressors in the future.
The lessons in The Resilience Project curriculum are focussed in four evidence based positive mental health strategies:
Paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don't have. We practice this by noticing the positives that exist around us.
Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
Our ability to be calm and present at any given moment. We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.
Our ability to label our emotions as we experience them. Labelling our emotions helps us to manage our emotions (soften negative emotions and find positive emotions). We practice this by labelling our emotions as we experience different parts of our day.
Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships
The Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program is a key part of our school's approach to supporting students' social and emotional development. This evidence-based initiative helps children learn vital skills such as resilience, empathy, and problem-solving, fostering their ability to cope with challenges, express their emotions, and interact respectfully with others.
In Year Foundation, students engage with the program through activities that are fun and age-appropriate, focusing on understanding emotions, developing friendships, and learning how to communicate effectively. By participating in the RRRR program from the start, children are encouraged to build positive relationships, respect others' rights, and develop the inner strength to navigate school life with confidence and kindness.
The Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation (Kuypers, 2011) are implemented across all year levels and settings at Ascot Vale PS. This approach assists students to build awareness of their feelings/internal state and utilise a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness.
This includes exploring tools and strategies for mindfulness, sensory integration, movement, thinking strategies, wellness, and healthy connection with others.
The Zones of Regulation provides a common language and compassionate framework to support positive mental health and skill development for all, while serving as an inclusion strategy for neurodiverse learners, those who have experienced trauma, and/or have specific needs in terms of social, emotional, and behavioural development.
School Uniform / Clothing
A school uniform is available for children to wear. It is not compulsory but is available as a practical and attractive choice. This is available from Primary School Wear (PSW). Orders can be placed on-line (www.psw.com.au ) for home delivery or in person at the Deer Park shop at: 2/51-53 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall VIC 3023. Phone: (03) 9768 0342
Second hand uniform items will also be available in 2025. Details about uniform sales on the school site will be updated in our newsletter on our website at this link: http://avps.vic.edu.au/newsletter.html
Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Visiting School Nurse Program
The visiting school nurse checks Prep children for general health, vision, and hearing in their first year at school. Parents / guardians will receive a questionnaire to complete before this visit that will outline the procedure and give you the opportunity to ask questions. You will receive notification of the questionnaire and possible follow up visits via Compass alerts.
All children MUST have an up-to-date immunisation history certificate (not a photocopy of their health check book) before they can start at AVPS. Please contact office staff if you require assistance. For more information about immunisation history certificates, please click link.
SunSmart Policy
Sun protective clothing is recommended, including:
Children and staff are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck, and ears, i.e., legionnaires, broad brimmed or bucket hats, whenever they are outside, from 1 September to 30 April. Baseball caps do not offer enough protection and are therefore not recommended. No hats, no play: Students not wearing appropriate hats must remain in the shade that is offered outside the front of units 4 and 5.
Students are encouraged to bring to school and apply their own SPF 30+ broad-spectrum, water-resistant Sunscreen. Children are encouraged to come to school wearing sunscreen during summer. Reapplication every 2 hours is recommended.
Allergies / Health Concerns
Please notify the school of any allergies, conditions or other health concerns pertaining to your child. This information is strictly confidential but must be recorded to help us care for your child.
Student Medication
Any oral medications (e.g.: head‐ache tablets) will not be administered by school staff unless a parent or carer has:
All parent or carer requests for the school to administer any prescribed medications to their child must be in writing on the medication authority form provided, signed by a medical practitioner, and must be supported by specific written instructions including the name of the student, dosage, and time to be administered (original medication bottle or container must provide this information clearly labelled).
It is the parent or carers’ responsibility to ensure medication is within the expiry date.
Students who experience Anaphylaxis and Asthma do not need a completed medical authority form. This information should already be covered in their relevant health plans, signed by a medical practitioner. See more information below.
Anaphylaxis and Asthma
All students who suffer from Anaphylaxis or Asthma must have an up-to-date action plan presented to school. Please refer to our anaphylaxis management policy: https://avps.vic.edu.au/uploads/9/5/6/5/95656824/anaphylaxis_management_policy__2022.pdf
First Aid - Injury and Illness
If your child is injured at school, a staff member trained in first aid will make an assessment and treat the injury with basic first aid. If your child becomes sick during school time, an assessment will be made by a staff member. Parents/ guardians may be contacted in the event of an injury or illness and in some cases, arrangements will need to be made for your child to be collected from school. Our procedure for any head injury is that parents/guardians will be contacted immediately, even if minor and we will recommend the action required.
Celebrating Birthdays
Please read our guidelines about celebrating student birthdays at AVPS http://avps.vic.edu.au/uploads/9/5/6/5/95656824/celebratingbirthdaysguidelines2017.pdf
AVPS provides ample opportunities for children to eat and drink throughout the day. A break is scheduled every two hours for this purpose. Please pack two small lunches, one to be eaten at 11.00am and the other to be eaten at 1:30 pm. Children often need small and frequent serves to keep them going throughout the day. Please also provide a water bottle labelled with your child’s name to enable them to access water in the classroom all day.
Emergency Information
To enable us to make prompt contact with parents or carers in an emergency, it is important that the office has current contact details for parents / guardians and alternative emergency contacts details in case you are unavailable. If these change at any time please update this information on COMPASS or alternatively, inform the office as soon as possible.
Class Placement
Staff work together to create mixed ability teaching and learning groups/Units for the beginning of each school year and consider a complex mix of ability, personality, friendship, and gender needs. Parents’ views regarding siblings being together in a multi-age Unit will be considered each year. All other student placements will be decided by the staff.
Parent Participation
Parent participation at AVPS is encouraged and welcome. There are great benefits from parents/guardians actively participating in their child’s school. Helping at school is a great way to meet other parents, particularly when new to the school; children always benefit from their parents forming close connections with school community members. Some examples are outlined below demonstrating how parents/ carers may participate more fully in our school.
School Council and Subcommittees
Ascot Vale PS School Council meets 2-3 times per term. Decisions regarding strategic planning, school policies and the allocation of resources are made following the work undertaken by the School Council’s three sub-committees:
School support and involvement
Parents are encouraged to be involved in their own child’s education in the following ways:
Reporting to parents is integral to the teacher’s role. AVPS has two formal opportunities for parents / guardians to meet with teachers and two formal written student reports are distributed per year.
The first opportunity to meet with the teacher is held in term 1. This is known as ‘Meet the Teacher’ where the teacher and parent/guardian are introduced to or reacquainted with each other; they share relevant information about the child that will assist in the positive transition to the new school year.
The second meeting is held as a ‘Parent Teacher Interview’ and occurs after the Semester 1 Student Reports have been distributed (mid-year).
The Semester 2 Student Report is sent home during the last week of term 4. Formal interviews are not scheduled at this time, however, parents/guardians are invited to request a meeting at the end of the school year, if this is deemed necessary.
Mid semester reports in the form of a checklist are also provided at the end of terms 1 & 3 as a brief progress report.
Parents are welcome to make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher at any time throughout the year as they feel necessary.
Parent – School Communication
Ascot Vale PS recognises that clear communication underpins strong home – school partnerships. The school aims to develop clear, two-way communication that fosters a strong community network and supports student learning. The AVPS Communications Policy, aims to:
Ascot Vale PS has four major communications pathways:
1. Compass
2. School Website
3. Class Dojo
4. Direct contact – in person, by phone or email
1. Compass is the school’s preferred method of disseminating information to the school community. Compass is a comprehensive education management system with a variety of uses, including:
2. Website
The AVPS website is a hub of information about the school and is accessible at: www.avps.vic.edu.au
Our web-based newsletter is published twice per term on our website, and it is an important source of information for parents/guardians. It contains dates, events, information about teaching and learning programs, student achievements and sports updates. The newsletter is accessible at http://avps.vic.edu.au/newsletter.html. Both the website and newsletter can be translated into many different languages by simply clicking on an option tab in the top left corner of each page.
3. Class Dojo is an online school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use to share what is being learned in the classroom through photos, videos, and messages.
4. Direct Contact
PHONE: 03 9370 6507
EMAIL: [email protected]
IN PERSON: Office hours 8:30am-4:00pm Please make an appointment to meet the Principal, Sue Osborne, Assistant Principal, Michael Downing, or your child’s teacher.
New families to AVPS will be directed to download and login to ClassDojo and Compass in their first week of enrolment.
A list of up to date school policies can be found online on our website: http://avps.vic.edu.au/policies--standards.html
Parent Payment Arrangements
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support, whether that’s through fundraising or volunteering your time. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.
Across our school this support has allowed AVPS to offer a range of learning resources and experiences, including a wide offering of subjects and curriculum activities; digital learning equipment and opportunities (including large TV screens in every classroom); improvements to our school amenity; high quality literacy and numeracy resources (such as the Smart Words program, many books and maths equipment) and classroom and special subject equipment and resources.
AVPS Payment arrangements are in the following categories:
Physical Environment
Considerable developments have taken place at Ascot Vale PS in recent years. A refurbished Art, Library, and ICT space (Learning Studio) with a science area, sound studio and stage were built in 2011. Portable buildings were replaced with a music pavilion and community room with a shared kitchenette. Our grounds feature learning and play decks, tiered seating facing our oval and running track, sensory garden. In 2019 a capital works program resulted in refurbished student toilets, a new oval, extensive landscaping, a new playground, refurbished staffroom, office and first aid facilities. A new roof was installed on the 1880’s building overlooking the oval in 2022. A new playground was installed in 2023.
We have a hall for assemblies, excellent physical education facilities and an Out of School Hours Care program room that currently operates from our learning studio. The buildings have been designed to support community partnerships and joint school community use of our facilities.
Nude Food = Less Litter
At AVPS, we actively encourage all students to bring as little rubbish as possible in their lunchboxes. Please use reusable containers where possible.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) ProgramAscot Vale has a before and after school program, known as OSHC. Parents who wish to use the program must register with Camp Australia. Registration forms are available from the office or online https://www.campaustralia.com.au/. Parents can make permanent or casual bookings. The phone number for the program is 0423 795 247 and during the day parents can leave a message for the coordinator. The hours of the program are 7.30 to 8.45 am for before care and 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm for after care. During term 1, Prep children will be collected from their classrooms at the end of the day by an assistant in the program. Information regarding the program is included in the newsletter.
Tailored before and after school experiences children loveAt Your OSHC, we tailor every program to the likes and interests of each child in our service. Our educators design enriching experiences to develop children’s confidence, curiosity, and resilience. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more - we believe in the power of learning through experience.
Learn more
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) ProgramAscot Vale has a before and after school program, known as OSHC. Parents who wish to use the program must register with Camp Australia. Registration forms are available from the office or online https://www.campaustralia.com.au/. Parents can make permanent or casual bookings. The phone number for the program is 0423 795 247 and during the day parents can leave a message for the coordinator. The hours of the program are 7.30 to 8.45 am for before care and 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm for after care. During term 1, Prep children will be collected from their classrooms at the end of the day by an assistant in the program. Information regarding the program is included in the newsletter.
Tailored before and after school experiences children loveAt Your OSHC, we tailor every program to the likes and interests of each child in our service. Our educators design enriching experiences to develop children’s confidence, curiosity, and resilience. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more - we believe in the power of learning through experience.
Learn more
Helpful Hints for Newcomers to AVPS
AVPS School Day &Times
School starts at 9:00am and finishes at 3:30pm each day. It is important that students are at school for at least 5 minutes before 9am. When the first bell goes at 8:57am, classrooms are open so students can unpack and prepare for the start of their day. The school grounds are supervised from 8:45am before school and until 3:45pm after school. Children are encouraged not to arrive earlier than 8:45am and children who have not been collected by a parent or guardian by 3:45pm need to come to the office, where parents/guardians will be phoned. If this happens frequently, arrangements need to be made for children to enrol in Out of School Hours Care.
The AVPS school day is arranged as follows:
School Starts
Session 1 Classroom
Session 2 Classroom
Break 1 outside
Session 3 Classroom
Session 4 Classroom
Snack/Lunch eating in classroom
Break 2 outside
Session 5 Classroom
Term Dates - 2025
Access at this link: https://www.vic.gov.au/school-term-dates-and-holidays-victoria
Please Note: School finishes at 2:30pm on the last day of terms 1, 2 and 3 and 1:30pm on the last day of term 4.
Regularly attending school is very important for a child’s connectedness and continuity of learning. Being away from school disrupts learning and some children may find it difficult to make friends. Unless your child is ill, they must attend school each day. Holidays during school time can disrupt your child’s education. We encourage you to take holidays during term breaks. It is expected that the school will be notified via COMPASS (our preferred method) phone, or written note regarding all student absences.
Punctuality: ON TIME AT NINE!
For the same reasons as outlined in attendance, punctuality is very important. Young children can become distressed if they are late and have missed out on the beginning of a lesson. Also, it is disruptive to the rest of the class if the teacher must ensure that late students ‘catch up’ on the class activity. Importantly, being on time is a good life skill to develop. Students who are late MUST report to the office before attending class to have their attendance recorded by office staff and to receive a late pass to be handed to the teacher.
Term 4 Transition Program
2025 Year Prep/Foundation students are invited to attend the following transition sessions at Ascot Vale PS:
1. Thursday 7th November 2024 – 3:45pm- 4:45pm
Experience has taught us that an after-school session is a great time for your child to spend in our school grounds without the rest of the school students. A first session might be scary enough and then when we add 270 other students to it, it can be just a little overwhelming. In this hour your child will meet some of the teachers, explore the playground, our buildings and spend time inside one of our classrooms. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
2. Monday 18th November 2024 - 9:15am- 10:45am
This will be an opportunity to visit a classroom, play, do an activity and buddy up with a year one or two student. Please provide a snack, drink, and hat for your child. Your child will have some time to play outside before being collected at 10:45am. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
3. Tuesday 3rd December 2024 – 9:15-12:15pm
This longer session will be in a different one of our prep/one/two classrooms. This time the children will need a snack, drink, and hat. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
4. Tuesday 17th December 2024 – 9:30- 10:45am
This is a ‘Meet the Teacher’ session where your child will visit the classroom/unit, teacher, and students they will be assigned in 2025. This time children will need a snack, drink, and hat. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
Transition Program drop off and pick up gates.
Teachers will meet, greet, and farewell children and families at these colour coded gates at the designated times. Families will receive an email informing them of their designated colour / gate. Please come to the same gate each session. If in doubt, please approach the office, accessible from Bank Street.
2025 Prep/Foundation FEBRUARY Attendance Arrangements
The First Day of school for AVPS
Year Prep / Foundation Children in 2025 is:
THURSDAY 30th January 2025
AVPS Year Prep/Foundation students will attend 2 days in week 1, and then 4 full school days per week for the remainder of February 2025, with ‘no school on Wednesday’ arrangements in place in Feb, as outlined in the table below. This will allow children time to settle into school gradually. Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child on the dates labelled in red, meaning: ‘No School’ below.
Prep Entry Assessments will be scheduled on Wednesdays in February. This is a 1:1 interview conducted by teachers with students, which lasts approximately 30 minutes. We ask parents/carers to please deliver children to their appointments at school and wait in a designated space.
Teachers will provide parents / carers with an appointment time (and location) on one of the Wednesday dates in February for the purpose of conducting important and helpful Entry Assessments.
Year Prep/Foundation students will attend each available weekday from the first week of March 2025 starting: Week 6, Monday 3rd March 2025.
Welcome to Ascot Vale Ps
We hope your child and family enjoy their school experience as much as we enjoy working at Ascot Vale PS.
This booklet has been put together to answer as many of your questions as possible about starting school at AVPS. However, as always, please contact or approach us if you have further queries, or if you need to discuss your child or family’s situation.
Ascot Vale PS is fortunate to have a most dedicated, hardworking, and talented staff team, who are all more than willing to help you and your child settle into school life.
We are committed to inclusive education principles where all members of our school community are valued and supported to fully participate, learn, develop, and succeed within our unique learning community.
We look forward to getting to know you better over the coming days, weeks, and months to help make your child’s transition to school as smooth as possible.
Sue Osborne
Ben Kline
Assistant Principal 2025
AVPS Vision, Mission and Values
Our Vision
AVPS is a unique learning community. Our school community is vibrant and inclusive. Our students are independent, passionate, confident and embrace the joy of learning. As a result, our students are engaged, inquisitive and happy. They are empowered for lifelong learning and to have a positive impact on the world around them.
Our Mission
Our school values guide us in all we think and do. We provide high-quality teaching and learning in a multi-age classroom environment. We do everything with a spirit of collaboration and friendship. We support our students to have the knowledge, skills, and behaviours to be valuable and valued members of our school community.
Our Values
At Ascot Vale Primary School we embrace the following five school values:
RESPECT - We honour and admire equality, politeness, tact, and grace in ourselves, relationships, the environment, and diversity.
RESPONSIBILITY - We fulfill our duty with good judgment, actions, behaviours, active participation, leadership, and resilience.
EXCELLENCE - We strive for personal best, persistence, creativity in learning, performing, and socializing, fostering positive behaviours and attitudes.
EMPATHY - We listen and understand others, practicing patience, support, care, compassion, kindness, and sensitivity.
GRATITUDE - We appreciate and express kindness, positivity, optimism, reflecting outwards through our actions and words for people, things, and feelings.
Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
Teaching and Learning at Ascot Vale PS reflects the Victorian Curriculum, found at this link https://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development, and active and informed citizenship. The school follows a two-year cycle, whole school curriculum scope and sequence plan, using an integrated and inquiry approach to learning.
Specialist Subjects
Specialist classes are taught by specialist teachers for one hour per week (P-6) these include: Physical Education, Visual Arts, and our Japanese Language Program.
In addition, all children have one scheduled visit to the library each week and are encouraged to borrow and read books regularly. Children in Years P-1 also participate in classroom music classes each week.
Items your child requires for specialist sessions include:
- Visual Arts – Smock
- Physical Education – Sport Shoes, Sun Smart Hat, Sunscreen (September to April)
- Library – Book bag
- Music – Recorder, which is included in curriculum contributions – see Parent Payments
A range of curriculum support and enrichment programs are offered at AVPS. These include:
- An optional, comprehensive parent funded instrumental program; The Moonee Vale Instrumental Music Program, (MVIMP) for years 3-6 students.
- Choir for all year levels
- Piano tuition for all year levels
- A camp / outdoor education program
- Visual arts
- Classroom Music – Years P-2
- Information & communication technology (ICT) including in 2025:
- Year P-2 - 1:2 Chromebook device program
- Year 3-6- 1:1 Chromebook device program
- Physical education, health and sport / interschool sport, cross country /athletics / swimming events
- Scheduled swimming program once per year
- An active Student Representative Council (SRC), a Student Environment Team and a Student Voice Team.
AVPS Instructional Teaching and Learning Model
The Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model is the instructional teaching and learning model implemented by teaching teams (P-6) at AVPS. GRR lessons feature the following stages, known as ‘Whole, Part, Whole’:
- Whole group tuning in (~10 minutes)
- Part - Independent or guided practice (~40 minutes)
- Whole group share time (~10 Minutes)
Throughout the learning process, teachers ‘gradually release responsibility’ to children by guiding them through the following phases, where the teacher starts out providing maximum support to learners and gradually guides them towards taking responsibility and practicing learnt skills independently. This teaching method is known as ‘To, With, By’ and is best understood in the context of learning to read, where a book is read ‘to’ then ‘with’ then ‘by’ the child independently, as learning progresses. This model can be applied to all types of learning for all ages and circumstances, for example, learning to drive.
The GRR instructional model is supported at AVPS by the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS), which are ten instructional practices, appearing below, identified by the Victorian Department of Education and Training that reliably increase student learning wherever they are applied.
High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)
Setting Goals
Structuring lessons
Explicit teaching
Worked Examples
Collaborative Learning
Multiple Exposures
Metacognitive Strategies
Differentiated teaching
The High Impact Teaching Strategies feature prominently in AVPS planning documentation and teaching & learning programs across the school. This document can be accessed at the link above.
ICT – Digital Devices Policy and Program
Our Digital devices Policy and Program was reviewed and updated in 2022; here is a summary:
Vision for digital technology at our school Ascot Vale PS promotes, encourages, and supports students to become confident, safe, and innovative lifelong users of ICT in working towards developing and maintaining a 21st century ICT skill set.
Ascot Vale PS eLearning Plan
The Ascot Vale PS eLearning Plan will guide the implementation of the Ascot Vale PS Digital Technologies policy.
It will guide the practice of the eLearning Team and staff to achieve targets, implement and review actions in the categories of: Learning, Teaching and Assessment; ICT Professional Learning; Learning Places and Spaces; Learning Communities and eLearning Leadership.
Year P-2 & 3-6 Digital Device Program
In 2025, Year P-2 students will continue to have access to shared 1:2 Chromebook digital devices to complement the learning program at Ascot Vale PS.
Learning in Year 3-6 classrooms at Ascot Vale PS will continue to be supported by a 1:1 digital device program. Each child is assigned a Chromebook in Year 3, which remains theirs until Year 6.
The Ascot Vale PS P-2 and 3-6 Digital Devices program features:
Ascot Vale PS provides Chromebooks that will be used by students and stored at school, unless borrowed by families for the purpose of implementing a remote and flexible learning program.
Funding is provided by the school, supported by yearly optional parent payments, and guided by the DET Parent Payment Policy
Multi-age Learning and Teaching
At Ascot Vale PS children are organised into multi-age groups, known as ‘Units’, whereby two teachers share an open plan teaching and learning space and are assigned the equivalent of two classes of children. The 2024 structure is yet to be determined at the time of publication, however, in 2023, the multi-age structure was organised in the following way:
Unit 1 - P/1/2 *
Unit 2 - 3/4 & 5/6
Unit 3 - P/1/2
Unit 4 - 3/4 & 5/6
Unit 5 - P/1/2 *
Unit 6 - 3/4 & 5/6
*Indicates team teaching, where two teachers plan, teach, and take responsibility for two combined classes
The AVPS multi-age structure commenced in 1984 with support from the wider school community, in response to an emerging issue of increased school wide anti-social disruption. Several critical factors, including teacher readiness, staff ownership, parental involvement and collaborative planning has ensured that the multi-age approach at Ascot Vale PS has had a positive and lasting impact on establishing and maintaining a positive school environment over a 35-year timeframe.
Our multi-age classrooms reflect an organisational structure in which children of different ages (at least a two-year span) and ability levels are grouped together. The multi-age structure allows younger and older children to interact socially and academically.
The multi-age structure enables all children to learn at their appropriate developmental stage whilst considering individual learning needs. The structure will change over your child’s years at school as we refine and re-organise the groupings according to the educational needs of the children, staff changes and fluctuating enrolment numbers. When this does happen, parents are informed; the multi-age methodology however is the foundation upon which most educational decisions are made at Ascot Vale PS.
The following features of multi-age at Ascot Vale PS helps make us a Unique Learning Community:
- Children can spend longer periods of time with the same teacher. This allows the teacher to develop a deeper understanding of a child’s strengths and needs and is therefore better able to support the child’s development.
- All children are challenged to achieve their potential; they are not limited to achieving a designated year level standard.
- Children develop a sense of family and community with their classmates, staff, and parents. They become a community of learners who support and care for each other.
- Families have the opportunity for siblings to be placed together in the same unit.
- Children with additional needs benefit from the multi-age classroom as it encourages inclusion, self-respect and creates a learning environment that motivates and engages students.
AVPS teaching staff meet regularly in teams to collaboratively plan teaching and learning programs using a Professional Learning Community (PLC) approach to school improvement. Groups of teachers work collaboratively at the school level to improve student outcomes. This approach starts from a simple idea: students learn more when their teachers work together.
Building a PLC is a proven way for schools to increase student learning by creating a culture that is:
● focussed on continuous improvement by linking the learning needs of students with the professional learning and practice of teachers.
● committed to professionalism.
● fuelled by collaborative expertise.
Extra-Curricular Activities @ AVPS
MVIMP – Moonee Vale Instrumental Music Program (Years 3 – 6)
This is an instrumental music program offering tuition in the following categories: Brass, Woodwind, Strings, Percussion and Bass Guitar. MVIMP operates across three other schools in our area: Ascot Vale West PS, Moonee Ponds PS and Moonee Ponds West PS. Children attend an instrumental music lesson each week and may participate in concerts and the school band. Our combined concert is held every year in term four at Moonee Valley Racecourse.
Piano – Private tuition is offered by Lamplight Music to students in Years P – 6. There is also an opportunity for students to participate in piano exams if they wish. Students can participate in the annual piano concert.
Dance - provided by Dance Theatre in the school hall after school on Tuesdays and Saturday mornings.
Kelly Sports - Offered on Wednesday after school (P-6).
Camps and Excursions
Excursions and camps are essential to assist children with their physical and social development and understanding of their world. Children participate in excursions and incursions each term and students from Years 3 – 6 can attend camp at least once per year.
Helping Your Child to Read
Reading together is a valuable thing to do. Reading increases your child’s vocabulary, expands your child’s understanding of the world, and gives them confidence when using language. Reading is also an important way to make the link between spoken words and written words.
Here are some general tips:
- Visit your local library to select and read books together, and to attend story time sessions. Library story time sessions are a great way to share the joy of reading with your child in a group setting.
- Encourage your child to select books, magazines, catalogues, or multimedia stories according to their interests.
- Set aside time for reading every day. Reading before bedtime is a good habit to establish. Position yourself so your child can see the words and the pictures.
- Run your finger across the page with each word to help your child identify and remember words and sounds.
- Share wordless picture books to develop imagination, ideas and vocabulary by naming and describing things in pictures.
- Look for rhyme, rhythm, or repetition in books. This will help develop your child’s love of language.
- When reading to your child, read stories with expression, or try putting on the voices of characters. This will help make reading fun.
- Point out important features about a book – for example, the words and pictures, the front cover, the spine, the contents page, or the title.
- Explore words using a dictionary.
- Encourage your child to take over some or all the reading if they feel confident. » If your child is confident with their reading, allow them to read without interruption. Fluency is gained with confidence. Mistakes can be discussed after a block of reading, or in subsequent readings.
- Allow your child to read at their own pace. Model good pace when you read to them.
- Give your child the opportunity to re-read books.
Learning to write begins with scribbling and drawing. This is an important first step and should be encouraged. The next step is to encourage your child to write letter-like shapes, before moving on to practise writing the alphabet – both capitals and lower-case letters. After this, encourage your child to write sentences containing short words.
Here are some general tips to help your child when writing:
- Make sure you give your child the necessary resources, such as pens, pencils, paper or notebook, and a desk. Creating a special ‘writing box’ to store your child’s pens and pencils helps them see writing as an important activity.
- Support your child to read their writing aloud.
- Encourage your child to create a picture, drawing or collage that visually represents their ideas.
- Always proudly display your child’s work in a prominent position in your house. This will give them confidence and demonstrates the importance of writing.
Literacy and Numeracy Tips to help your child every day (Click Link)
This is a guide (summarised above and below) for parents of children aged 0-12 that provides handy tips and ways to help children develop literacy and numeracy skills.
Helping Your Child Develop Numeracy Skills
Developing numeracy skills early gives children an important foundation for their learning and development. It helps prepare them for daily life, including general problem solving and handling money.
Maths includes noticing numbers, shapes, patterns, size, time, and measurement. Incorporating maths into everyday experiences is easy and fun. Maths is everywhere – in the playground, at the shops and at home.
Children need lots of experience in making, counting, drawing, and talking about numbers. The activities in this section will help your child to develop these skills. You may feel the maths your child is doing at their early childhood centre, kindergarten or school is different from how you were taught, but you can still support your child in many ways. Make connections for your child by explaining how numbers and counting are a part of everyday life.
Talking about maths
It is important for children to develop specific language skills related to maths. Visits to the playground, or helping at home, provide rich and meaningful contexts to develop these skills. It might take time for your child to use these terms and language effectively, but exposure to this mathematical talk is a strong support for future learning.
Some activities to develop mathematical language:
- Use specific terms when asking for items. For example, ask your child to get the ‘one litre’ milk bottle from the fridge, or the ‘one kilo’ bag of flour from the cupboard.
- When cooking, talk about different measurements used, such as teaspoons, millilitres, litres, and cups. Discuss ideas about empty and full.
- As you walk, talk, and play together describe your child’s movements as they climb ‘over’ the fence, slide ‘between’ the poles, and swing ‘under’ the monkey bars. This helps your child understand language related to spatial awareness.
- Sorting activities support your child to understand concepts such as ‘same’ and ‘different’. Use recycling as an opportunity to sort items to place in the rubbish. For example, paper, plastic, food waste and general waste.
Student Engagement, Inclusion, Wellbeing & Health
AVPS has always aimed for children to develop a sense of belonging; school becomes a familiar and safe place, and this feeling of connectedness is optimal for learning.
We understand however, that problems can arise from time to time. When this does happen, we ask that parents/carers please discuss these in the first instance with the child’s teacher, where issues may be resolved promptly and efficiently. If the situation does not improve, parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the Assistant Principal who is also the Student Wellbeing Coordinator. If the Assistant Principal or parent/guardian believes the situation is still not resolved, it will be referred to the principal.
We suggest that parents/guardians make appointments to meet with teachers to allow ample time to discuss concerns. Please be aware that teachers may not always be available to meet without notice due to other commitments, such as staff or team planning meetings being scheduled on any given day before or after school. ClassDojo messaging is the best way to contact your child’s teacher; more details about this and other forms of communication can be found under ‘Communication’.
Inclusive Education
Inclusive education means that all members of our school community are valued and supported to fully participate, learn, develop, and succeed within an inclusive school culture. The aim is to create a safe and inclusive school environment for students with disabilities and additional needs.
Inclusive education focuses on developing the knowledge and skills of school staff and giving our school clearer guidance and specialist support to better respond to the needs of students with disabilities and additional learning needs.
Welcoming student differences
Ascot Vale PS celebrates diversity and is committed to supporting the achievement and participation of all students. Inclusive education acknowledges that some children and young people have intersecting identities or additional needs that may need to be taken into consideration. These identities may relate to:
●having a disability or additional learning needs
●gender identity
●sexual orientation
●being an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
●cultural identity
●speaking a language other than English
●social factors
●economic factors
●experience of abuse, neglect, or family violence.
Inclusive education highlights from 2024 include:
- Staff professional learning, focusing on developing and improving upon inclusive learning practices in classrooms.
- Connecting with an Inclusion Outreach Coach through the Department of Education to support staff to understand, establish and embed inclusive adjustments within our classrooms.
- Identification and implementation of physical adjustments to support inclusive education. For example, purchasing wobble stools, noise cancelling headphones, fidgets, sensory tools and supports.
- Purchase of inclusive resources, including age-appropriate picture books and novels to recognise and celebrate neurodivergent learners.
- Implementation of the ‘I Can Imagination Club’.
- Streamlining school documentation to meet departmental requirements.
- Promoting and celebrating student voice and agency in the development of Individual Education Plans – the learner is at the centre of all that we do.
- Introduction of Lunchtime Clubs that provide all students a greater choice of inclusive activities during break times.
- Opening of the Learning Studio at recess and lunchtime, creating an indoor passive space with activities for students to regulate and connect.
- Establishing consistent Tier 1 (accessible for all students) strategies across the school, including, but not limited to visual schedules, movement breaks, timers, social stories, flexible seating options.
As a school, we have achieved so much in our first year of the Department of Education Disability Inclusion reform. We are excited to continue celebrating our diverse learners and improving our school practices in the Inclusion space.
The Resilience Project
In 2025 AVPS will continue a partnership with The Resilience Project to deliver an engaging program, providing positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. Through presentations, school curriculum, diaries and Web based resources, this program seeks to assist students to become mentally healthy.
Who? The Resilience Project was founded by Hugh van Cullenburg. Click here to find more information about Hugh and The Resilience Project.
- The number of people experiencing problems with their mental health has increased.
- The age people first experience a mental health problem has decreased.
- Research suggests when students are happy and calm, they learn better.
- Quality programs that explicitly address wellbeing are likely to improve academic achievement and reduce problem behaviours in students.
What? (GEM) Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy
The Resilience Project supports young people to form habits now that will increase their capacity to deal with challenges, changes, and stressors in the future.
The lessons in The Resilience Project curriculum are focussed in four evidence based positive mental health strategies:
Paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don't have. We practice this by noticing the positives that exist around us.
Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
Our ability to be calm and present at any given moment. We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.
Our ability to label our emotions as we experience them. Labelling our emotions helps us to manage our emotions (soften negative emotions and find positive emotions). We practice this by labelling our emotions as we experience different parts of our day.
Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships
The Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program is a key part of our school's approach to supporting students' social and emotional development. This evidence-based initiative helps children learn vital skills such as resilience, empathy, and problem-solving, fostering their ability to cope with challenges, express their emotions, and interact respectfully with others.
In Year Foundation, students engage with the program through activities that are fun and age-appropriate, focusing on understanding emotions, developing friendships, and learning how to communicate effectively. By participating in the RRRR program from the start, children are encouraged to build positive relationships, respect others' rights, and develop the inner strength to navigate school life with confidence and kindness.
The Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation (Kuypers, 2011) are implemented across all year levels and settings at Ascot Vale PS. This approach assists students to build awareness of their feelings/internal state and utilise a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness.
This includes exploring tools and strategies for mindfulness, sensory integration, movement, thinking strategies, wellness, and healthy connection with others.
The Zones of Regulation provides a common language and compassionate framework to support positive mental health and skill development for all, while serving as an inclusion strategy for neurodiverse learners, those who have experienced trauma, and/or have specific needs in terms of social, emotional, and behavioural development.
School Uniform / Clothing
A school uniform is available for children to wear. It is not compulsory but is available as a practical and attractive choice. This is available from Primary School Wear (PSW). Orders can be placed on-line (www.psw.com.au ) for home delivery or in person at the Deer Park shop at: 2/51-53 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall VIC 3023. Phone: (03) 9768 0342
Second hand uniform items will also be available in 2025. Details about uniform sales on the school site will be updated in our newsletter on our website at this link: http://avps.vic.edu.au/newsletter.html
Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Visiting School Nurse Program
The visiting school nurse checks Prep children for general health, vision, and hearing in their first year at school. Parents / guardians will receive a questionnaire to complete before this visit that will outline the procedure and give you the opportunity to ask questions. You will receive notification of the questionnaire and possible follow up visits via Compass alerts.
All children MUST have an up-to-date immunisation history certificate (not a photocopy of their health check book) before they can start at AVPS. Please contact office staff if you require assistance. For more information about immunisation history certificates, please click link.
SunSmart Policy
Sun protective clothing is recommended, including:
- Shirts with collars
- Tops with higher necklines
- Longer style skirts / shorts
- T-shirts or Rash Vests when swimming outdoors
- Sunglasses (meeting Australian Standards CAT 2,3 or 4)
Children and staff are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck, and ears, i.e., legionnaires, broad brimmed or bucket hats, whenever they are outside, from 1 September to 30 April. Baseball caps do not offer enough protection and are therefore not recommended. No hats, no play: Students not wearing appropriate hats must remain in the shade that is offered outside the front of units 4 and 5.
Students are encouraged to bring to school and apply their own SPF 30+ broad-spectrum, water-resistant Sunscreen. Children are encouraged to come to school wearing sunscreen during summer. Reapplication every 2 hours is recommended.
Allergies / Health Concerns
Please notify the school of any allergies, conditions or other health concerns pertaining to your child. This information is strictly confidential but must be recorded to help us care for your child.
Student Medication
Any oral medications (e.g.: head‐ache tablets) will not be administered by school staff unless a parent or carer has:
- Completed a medication authority – see link below for authority form (a practitioner does not need to complete this)
- Labelled the medication clearly with the child’s name.
All parent or carer requests for the school to administer any prescribed medications to their child must be in writing on the medication authority form provided, signed by a medical practitioner, and must be supported by specific written instructions including the name of the student, dosage, and time to be administered (original medication bottle or container must provide this information clearly labelled).
It is the parent or carers’ responsibility to ensure medication is within the expiry date.
Students who experience Anaphylaxis and Asthma do not need a completed medical authority form. This information should already be covered in their relevant health plans, signed by a medical practitioner. See more information below.
Anaphylaxis and Asthma
All students who suffer from Anaphylaxis or Asthma must have an up-to-date action plan presented to school. Please refer to our anaphylaxis management policy: https://avps.vic.edu.au/uploads/9/5/6/5/95656824/anaphylaxis_management_policy__2022.pdf
First Aid - Injury and Illness
If your child is injured at school, a staff member trained in first aid will make an assessment and treat the injury with basic first aid. If your child becomes sick during school time, an assessment will be made by a staff member. Parents/ guardians may be contacted in the event of an injury or illness and in some cases, arrangements will need to be made for your child to be collected from school. Our procedure for any head injury is that parents/guardians will be contacted immediately, even if minor and we will recommend the action required.
Celebrating Birthdays
Please read our guidelines about celebrating student birthdays at AVPS http://avps.vic.edu.au/uploads/9/5/6/5/95656824/celebratingbirthdaysguidelines2017.pdf
AVPS provides ample opportunities for children to eat and drink throughout the day. A break is scheduled every two hours for this purpose. Please pack two small lunches, one to be eaten at 11.00am and the other to be eaten at 1:30 pm. Children often need small and frequent serves to keep them going throughout the day. Please also provide a water bottle labelled with your child’s name to enable them to access water in the classroom all day.
Emergency Information
To enable us to make prompt contact with parents or carers in an emergency, it is important that the office has current contact details for parents / guardians and alternative emergency contacts details in case you are unavailable. If these change at any time please update this information on COMPASS or alternatively, inform the office as soon as possible.
Class Placement
Staff work together to create mixed ability teaching and learning groups/Units for the beginning of each school year and consider a complex mix of ability, personality, friendship, and gender needs. Parents’ views regarding siblings being together in a multi-age Unit will be considered each year. All other student placements will be decided by the staff.
Parent Participation
Parent participation at AVPS is encouraged and welcome. There are great benefits from parents/guardians actively participating in their child’s school. Helping at school is a great way to meet other parents, particularly when new to the school; children always benefit from their parents forming close connections with school community members. Some examples are outlined below demonstrating how parents/ carers may participate more fully in our school.
School Council and Subcommittees
Ascot Vale PS School Council meets 2-3 times per term. Decisions regarding strategic planning, school policies and the allocation of resources are made following the work undertaken by the School Council’s three sub-committees:
- Finance
- Buildings and Grounds
- Education and Policy
- Outside School Hours Care
School support and involvement
Parents are encouraged to be involved in their own child’s education in the following ways:
- Volunteer as a Unit Parent Rep. More info here: https://avps.vic.edu.au/school-council-parents--community.html
- Attending Parent Teacher interviews
- Attending Unit Information sessions
- in the classroom- reading, writing, cooking, sharing a hobby, their work, or an interest.
- Being a regular Literacy / Numeracy mentor for students in need of 1:1 assistance
- Excursion or swimming program assistance
- Assist with athletics / swimming / cross-country events (Years 3-6)
- Helping coordinate whole school events.
- Nominate for School Council and/or sub-committee of School Council in Feb each year.
- Attending parent workshop, e.g., The Resilience Project
Reporting to parents is integral to the teacher’s role. AVPS has two formal opportunities for parents / guardians to meet with teachers and two formal written student reports are distributed per year.
The first opportunity to meet with the teacher is held in term 1. This is known as ‘Meet the Teacher’ where the teacher and parent/guardian are introduced to or reacquainted with each other; they share relevant information about the child that will assist in the positive transition to the new school year.
The second meeting is held as a ‘Parent Teacher Interview’ and occurs after the Semester 1 Student Reports have been distributed (mid-year).
The Semester 2 Student Report is sent home during the last week of term 4. Formal interviews are not scheduled at this time, however, parents/guardians are invited to request a meeting at the end of the school year, if this is deemed necessary.
Mid semester reports in the form of a checklist are also provided at the end of terms 1 & 3 as a brief progress report.
Parents are welcome to make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher at any time throughout the year as they feel necessary.
Parent – School Communication
Ascot Vale PS recognises that clear communication underpins strong home – school partnerships. The school aims to develop clear, two-way communication that fosters a strong community network and supports student learning. The AVPS Communications Policy, aims to:
- Outline the ways in which information will be communicated by the school to the community, and
- Suggest the most suitable avenues for community members to communicate with the school.
Ascot Vale PS has four major communications pathways:
1. Compass
2. School Website
3. Class Dojo
4. Direct contact – in person, by phone or email
1. Compass is the school’s preferred method of disseminating information to the school community. Compass is a comprehensive education management system with a variety of uses, including:
- Attendance, roll marking and reporting absences.
- Event management, e.g., excursions
- Payments
- School calendar and event scheduling
2. Website
The AVPS website is a hub of information about the school and is accessible at: www.avps.vic.edu.au
Our web-based newsletter is published twice per term on our website, and it is an important source of information for parents/guardians. It contains dates, events, information about teaching and learning programs, student achievements and sports updates. The newsletter is accessible at http://avps.vic.edu.au/newsletter.html. Both the website and newsletter can be translated into many different languages by simply clicking on an option tab in the top left corner of each page.
3. Class Dojo is an online school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use to share what is being learned in the classroom through photos, videos, and messages.
4. Direct Contact
PHONE: 03 9370 6507
EMAIL: [email protected]
IN PERSON: Office hours 8:30am-4:00pm Please make an appointment to meet the Principal, Sue Osborne, Assistant Principal, Michael Downing, or your child’s teacher.
New families to AVPS will be directed to download and login to ClassDojo and Compass in their first week of enrolment.
A list of up to date school policies can be found online on our website: http://avps.vic.edu.au/policies--standards.html
Parent Payment Arrangements
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support, whether that’s through fundraising or volunteering your time. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.
Across our school this support has allowed AVPS to offer a range of learning resources and experiences, including a wide offering of subjects and curriculum activities; digital learning equipment and opportunities (including large TV screens in every classroom); improvements to our school amenity; high quality literacy and numeracy resources (such as the Smart Words program, many books and maths equipment) and classroom and special subject equipment and resources.
AVPS Payment arrangements are in the following categories:
- Curriculum Contributions
- Books/stationery Pack - covers all materials and equipment used in the classroom.
- Recorder for music program.
- Specialist and Classroom art supplies.
- Online subscriptions - Smart Words, A-Z reading, Essential Assessment, Resilience Project.
- Provision, Licence, and storage of 1:2 (Years P-2) or 1:1 (Years 3-6) shared devices in the classroom
- Health & Physical Education incursions
- Other Contributions
- Student Sponsorship - Camps & Excursions, ensures students don’t miss out of camps and excursions
- Student Sponsorship - ICT devices
- Working Bee - Paid in lieu of attending working bees.
- First Aid equipment - helps cover the cost of student first aid consumables.
- Building Fund - contribute towards improving the schools’ amenities.
- Library Fund - contribute towards to purchasing of new books and resources.
- Fresh Fruit Friday - helps cover costs.
- Extra-Curricular Items & Activities
- Optional excursions & Activities Scheduled throughout the year.
- Camp Years 3-6
- Moonee Vale Instrumental Music Program MVIMP Years 3-6
Physical Environment
Considerable developments have taken place at Ascot Vale PS in recent years. A refurbished Art, Library, and ICT space (Learning Studio) with a science area, sound studio and stage were built in 2011. Portable buildings were replaced with a music pavilion and community room with a shared kitchenette. Our grounds feature learning and play decks, tiered seating facing our oval and running track, sensory garden. In 2019 a capital works program resulted in refurbished student toilets, a new oval, extensive landscaping, a new playground, refurbished staffroom, office and first aid facilities. A new roof was installed on the 1880’s building overlooking the oval in 2022. A new playground was installed in 2023.
We have a hall for assemblies, excellent physical education facilities and an Out of School Hours Care program room that currently operates from our learning studio. The buildings have been designed to support community partnerships and joint school community use of our facilities.
Nude Food = Less Litter
At AVPS, we actively encourage all students to bring as little rubbish as possible in their lunchboxes. Please use reusable containers where possible.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) ProgramAscot Vale has a before and after school program, known as OSHC. Parents who wish to use the program must register with Camp Australia. Registration forms are available from the office or online https://www.campaustralia.com.au/. Parents can make permanent or casual bookings. The phone number for the program is 0423 795 247 and during the day parents can leave a message for the coordinator. The hours of the program are 7.30 to 8.45 am for before care and 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm for after care. During term 1, Prep children will be collected from their classrooms at the end of the day by an assistant in the program. Information regarding the program is included in the newsletter.
Tailored before and after school experiences children loveAt Your OSHC, we tailor every program to the likes and interests of each child in our service. Our educators design enriching experiences to develop children’s confidence, curiosity, and resilience. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more - we believe in the power of learning through experience.
Learn more
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) ProgramAscot Vale has a before and after school program, known as OSHC. Parents who wish to use the program must register with Camp Australia. Registration forms are available from the office or online https://www.campaustralia.com.au/. Parents can make permanent or casual bookings. The phone number for the program is 0423 795 247 and during the day parents can leave a message for the coordinator. The hours of the program are 7.30 to 8.45 am for before care and 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm for after care. During term 1, Prep children will be collected from their classrooms at the end of the day by an assistant in the program. Information regarding the program is included in the newsletter.
Tailored before and after school experiences children loveAt Your OSHC, we tailor every program to the likes and interests of each child in our service. Our educators design enriching experiences to develop children’s confidence, curiosity, and resilience. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more - we believe in the power of learning through experience.
Learn more
Helpful Hints for Newcomers to AVPS
- Student Free Days – there are four Student Free Days each year when the teachers undergo training / professional development and/or report writing. Children are not required to attend school on these days. Two of these days will occur at the beginning of the school year, the other two student free days will occur later in the school year. Dates will be advertised in the ‘Key Dates’ section of the fortnightly newsletter.
- If you have a concern about your child, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, the Assistant Principal, or the Principal.
- Encourage children to
- memorise their address and the best route between home and school.
- recognise their clothes.
- be on time for school. Please have your child at school between 8.45am and 9:00am.
- Clearly label all clothing and personal belongings with your child’s name. If your child has a school bag, please consider putting a key tag or coloured ribbon on it to make recognising it easier.
- If you need to collect your child from school before the end of the day, please report to the office. You may also enter the details on Compass to speed up the exit process.
- Please notify the school if your personal information changes.
- If your child is absent from school, parents are asked to log the absence on Compass, which serves as permission and explanation for the absence, or leave a message on our landline 9370 6507.
- Excursions are an important part of the curriculum that your child is encouraged to attend.
- Thongs or open toed shoes are not to be worn at school. School shoes or runners are the preferred choice for footwear.
- If you drive your child to school, please observe all the parking laws and Drop Off Zone details in Bank and Moonee Streets. Do not double park or use the Bank St lane as a drop off zone, as this puts your child and others in danger. Avoid doing U turns in Bank and Moonee Street. Instead, drivers are encouraged to park away from the school and walk a short distance.
- Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters are not permitted to be ridden in the school yard during school hours (8.45 am to 3.45 pm), under any circumstances. Racks are available for bicycles to be stored during the day. Students need to provide their own bike lock and ensure that helmets are always worn.
- Hats must be worn from September to April by all children for all outside activities.
- The newsletter is published on our website at least twice termly; links are sent via Compass alert.
- School Assembly is held fortnightly on Monday afternoons 3.00 – 3.30pm in person or 2:30 – 3:00pm remote.
- School gates are locked from 9.15-3.15pm every school day. Please access the school via the main Bank St entrance during these times and please report to the office.
- Students are not permitted to have access to mobile phones or communication devices such as smart watches during the school day. See our policy here: https://avps.vic.edu.au/uploads/9/5/6/5/95656824/mobile_phone_policy_-_2023.pdf
AVPS School Day &Times
School starts at 9:00am and finishes at 3:30pm each day. It is important that students are at school for at least 5 minutes before 9am. When the first bell goes at 8:57am, classrooms are open so students can unpack and prepare for the start of their day. The school grounds are supervised from 8:45am before school and until 3:45pm after school. Children are encouraged not to arrive earlier than 8:45am and children who have not been collected by a parent or guardian by 3:45pm need to come to the office, where parents/guardians will be phoned. If this happens frequently, arrangements need to be made for children to enrol in Out of School Hours Care.
The AVPS school day is arranged as follows:
School Starts
Session 1 Classroom
Session 2 Classroom
Break 1 outside
Session 3 Classroom
Session 4 Classroom
Snack/Lunch eating in classroom
Break 2 outside
Session 5 Classroom
Term Dates - 2025
Access at this link: https://www.vic.gov.au/school-term-dates-and-holidays-victoria
Please Note: School finishes at 2:30pm on the last day of terms 1, 2 and 3 and 1:30pm on the last day of term 4.
Regularly attending school is very important for a child’s connectedness and continuity of learning. Being away from school disrupts learning and some children may find it difficult to make friends. Unless your child is ill, they must attend school each day. Holidays during school time can disrupt your child’s education. We encourage you to take holidays during term breaks. It is expected that the school will be notified via COMPASS (our preferred method) phone, or written note regarding all student absences.
Punctuality: ON TIME AT NINE!
For the same reasons as outlined in attendance, punctuality is very important. Young children can become distressed if they are late and have missed out on the beginning of a lesson. Also, it is disruptive to the rest of the class if the teacher must ensure that late students ‘catch up’ on the class activity. Importantly, being on time is a good life skill to develop. Students who are late MUST report to the office before attending class to have their attendance recorded by office staff and to receive a late pass to be handed to the teacher.
Term 4 Transition Program
2025 Year Prep/Foundation students are invited to attend the following transition sessions at Ascot Vale PS:
1. Thursday 7th November 2024 – 3:45pm- 4:45pm
Experience has taught us that an after-school session is a great time for your child to spend in our school grounds without the rest of the school students. A first session might be scary enough and then when we add 270 other students to it, it can be just a little overwhelming. In this hour your child will meet some of the teachers, explore the playground, our buildings and spend time inside one of our classrooms. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
2. Monday 18th November 2024 - 9:15am- 10:45am
This will be an opportunity to visit a classroom, play, do an activity and buddy up with a year one or two student. Please provide a snack, drink, and hat for your child. Your child will have some time to play outside before being collected at 10:45am. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
3. Tuesday 3rd December 2024 – 9:15-12:15pm
This longer session will be in a different one of our prep/one/two classrooms. This time the children will need a snack, drink, and hat. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
4. Tuesday 17th December 2024 – 9:30- 10:45am
This is a ‘Meet the Teacher’ session where your child will visit the classroom/unit, teacher, and students they will be assigned in 2025. This time children will need a snack, drink, and hat. Parents or carers will receive an email requesting that drop off and pick up occur at a specific gate (see map overleaf) where a teacher will greet and farewell children and families at the times above.
Transition Program drop off and pick up gates.
Teachers will meet, greet, and farewell children and families at these colour coded gates at the designated times. Families will receive an email informing them of their designated colour / gate. Please come to the same gate each session. If in doubt, please approach the office, accessible from Bank Street.
2025 Prep/Foundation FEBRUARY Attendance Arrangements
The First Day of school for AVPS
Year Prep / Foundation Children in 2025 is:
THURSDAY 30th January 2025
AVPS Year Prep/Foundation students will attend 2 days in week 1, and then 4 full school days per week for the remainder of February 2025, with ‘no school on Wednesday’ arrangements in place in Feb, as outlined in the table below. This will allow children time to settle into school gradually. Please make alternative arrangements for the care of your child on the dates labelled in red, meaning: ‘No School’ below.
Prep Entry Assessments will be scheduled on Wednesdays in February. This is a 1:1 interview conducted by teachers with students, which lasts approximately 30 minutes. We ask parents/carers to please deliver children to their appointments at school and wait in a designated space.
Teachers will provide parents / carers with an appointment time (and location) on one of the Wednesday dates in February for the purpose of conducting important and helpful Entry Assessments.
Year Prep/Foundation students will attend each available weekday from the first week of March 2025 starting: Week 6, Monday 3rd March 2025.